Stealing the Fire and Ice Pill 3

Zhong Yi took off the suit and dump it in the trash bin. "That's was wild. I just escaped from many martial experts. The possibility of succeeding was 20% and I did it. Ahh! Fuck! I overused CLOUD STEPS. My legs can't handle the power of FIRST STEP AND SECOND STEP combined. I need to improve my body quickly if I want to master both techniques."

[Mission: Obtain the Ice and Fire pill and eat it. (2 hours left)]

[Mission Reward: 17 qi points and a space pouch]

[Mission Failure: -11 qi points mind attack for two hours straight]

"All that is left to do is to eat it." Zhong Yi took out the pill from his pocket with his right hand. The pill was giving him a chilly yet hot pressure. "Second thought, I will just eat after I arrive at my home." Zhong Yi saw a white light coming to him. He tried dodging it.


That white light cut Zhong Yi's index and middle finger. The pill fell on the ground. "Ahh!!! The fuck." There were only three fingers left on his right hand. It was Zhong Yan who cut his fingers. "Which organization send you? Is it Dark Heavens? If you tell me everything you know, I will spare " Zhong Yan points her sword towards Zhong Yi. He has no choice to hold his sword with his left hand. "If I tell all the information that I know, will you spare me?"

"Let me tell you something that would surprise you. You have a younger brother named Zhong Yi, right?" Zhong Yi asked. "Yea, and so?" Zhong Yan points her sword towards Zhong Yi's neck. "He is being held captive in Jian Family." Zhong Yan whispered. "How dare you threaten me using my brother's name!" Zhong Yan raged. As Zhong Yan was talking, Zhong Yi rush and grabbed the pill with the injured right hand and ate it.

"You think you can beat me by eating some pill?" Zhong Yan asked. "Not really. But I can outrun you." Zhong Yi replied.

[The host has consumed Fire and Ice Pill.]

[Vitality has been increased by 9.]

[Strength has been increased by 4.]

[Agility has been increased by 7.]


[Mission: Obtain the Ice and Fire pill and eat it. (COMPLETE)]

[Mission Reward: 17 qi points and a space pouch]

[Danger! Danger! Danger!]

[There is two abnormal temperature colliding in the host's body.]

[Coldness is winning over hotness.]

[The host must stabilize both fire and ice temperature, or else the host's body will explode.]

Zhong Yi's body started getting colder. "Fuck it!" He used "SECOND STEP" to enchant his cold, shivering legs and started running like there is no tomorrow. Zhong Yan chased Zhong Yi at full speed. After a while, Zhong Yi started to slow down. He was reaching his limit. Zhong Yi only has 10 qi points left. Zhong Yan doesn't even look tired. He was in a desperate situation. He either dies until he breaks his legs or reveals that he is Zhong Yi.

[Coldness has overtaken 50% of the host's body.]

[Host chances of survival are low.]

[The host is suggested to ask for help ASAP.]

Zhong Yi's legs stopped working and he fell to the ground. His 3/4 of body's movement stop working. It was as he was frozen in time. He lost his consciousness.

'Hmm! He thought he can outrun me.' Zhong Yan thought to herself.

"Hey, don't do anything to my prey." Lin Mei walks toward her while smoking a cigarette. She threw her cigarette on the floor and patted Zhong Yan's head. "Auntie Lin..? When...Did...You arrive?" Zhong Yan muttered with fear. "Why does everyone I met get terrified whenever I start talking. Am I that scary? Whatever. I will take him back to the base." Aunt Lin grabbed Zhong Yi's body and put him on his shoulder. "He knows something about Zhong Yi! I can't let the military have him." Zhong Yan grabbed Zhong Yi's shirt. "LITTLE BRAT! YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TOUCH MY PREY!" Aunt Lin's silhouette menaced with killing intents. Zhong Yan's shoulder felt like a large chainsaw ripping her shoulder off. "AHHH!! I... am...sor... sorry... I will never ever do that again." Zhong Yan bowed and trembled with horror. "Little Yan, I am so sorry that I raised my voice. He's a terrorist that the higher-ups asked me to capture, or else those old men will lecture me for 12 straight hours." Aunt Lin replied. "But.. If you find out something about Zhong Yi from him, can you immediately contact me?" Zhong Yan requested. "I will contact you as soon as I found something about your brother." Aunt Lin said and disappeared.

"HFHFHF! Just by the pressure, my whole body aches. Also that pill thief, even though, he's a peak rank 1, he still outran me. What kind of demonic techniques did he use? I am still too weak. I must get stronger to find out the truth behind my brother's death. He said the Jiang family. I think they might somehow be related." Zhong Yan ponders.


Author's Note: I am extremely sorry for the lack of uploads.(´• ω •) I am busy with IRL stuff and didn't have time to write my story. I will be taking a break and will be back with a mass release in December. STAY TUNE! \(≧▽≦)/