
Aunt Lin laid Zhong Yi's frozen body on a big bed. She stripped his clothes apart. Revealing a sweaty well-developed six pack. "How the fuck is a 15-years-old kid so ripped." She placed both of her hands behind Zhong Yi's back and inserted her qi into Zhong Yi's body. Her hair turned to gold and golden flame engulfed her hands. Zhong Yi regained consciousness, but his mind is still woozy.

[?????? Qi has been detected]

"What?" Zhong Yi felt a slight pain behind his back. He turned his head slightly. He saw a middle-aged woman with shining golden hair. "It's Aunt Lin."

[An enormous amount of qi has entered the host's body.]

[The host is recommended to absorb the qi.]

Zhong Yi tried absorbing Aunt Lin's qi.

[Host body temperature has started to decrease.]

[Coldness and hotness are trying to stabilize.]


[Hotness has overtaken the coldness.]

Zhong Yi suddenly vomited blood and lost consciousness again. "His temperature is increasing rapidly. God fucking damn it. Now I have to reabsorb my qi back to regulate the body temperature." Aunt Lin absorbed back her qi from his body.



[The host has acquired a new skill.]

[Abnormal Temperature Resistance(Level 1)]

[The host has a strong resistance against fire and ice temperature.]




Zhong Yi opens his eye and saw a bright light through the window. He looks out the window. He was in a tall hotel. A cold, gentle breeze passed him. He felt warm and relieved. If Aunt Lin didn't save him from Zhong Yan, he would already become dead meat by now.

"Oh my! Our little sleeping beauty woke up from his long slumber." Aunt Lin came out of the bathroom wiping her wet hair with a towel. Her hair had turned back to black. She walked towards Zhong Yi and slapped his back. "You fucking brat! You were asleep for 3 days! You caused a huge commotion throughout China! People are already calling you Pill Goblin Thief."

"Not gonna lie, Aunt Lin, that's a cool alias." Zhong Yi was stunned.

"Cool my ass, you are now wanted as a terrorist." Aunt Lin replied

"I will try to talk to the higher ups to cancel your bounty. You are making my life harder than it is right now." Aunt Lin sighed.


"I will open the door." Zhong Yi gets up from the bed. Zhong Yi opened the door and asked "Hello what do you need?"


[Mission: Survive the attack by five 6 peak rank martial artists.]

[Mission Reward: 20 qi points, 10 agility points, 5 vitality, and 4 mentality]

[Mission Failure: No mission failure, just SURVIVE]

"What the?" Zhong Yi was shocked by the sudden appearance of the mission.

"Little Yi, dodge!" Aunt Lin rushed towards Zhong Yi and grabbed his body.

There were 2 men in suits holding AK-47 and starts firing the gun. "Hold tight!" she warned Zhong Yi. Her hair turns to gold and she ran towards the wall while bridal carrying Zhong Yi. The man in black kept shooting at them.

"Aunt Lin, are you alright?" Zhong Yi asked. "I am alright, The bullets they are using MKB, the bullets are made from ancient alien technology. MKBs could penetrate peak rank 6 martial artist. But sadly for them, my body can withstand MKB." Aunt Lin answered. "Wait, let me think of a plan." Zhong Yi said. "Hmm! Are you underestimating your aunt? I will show you why I am the top 4 strongest rank 7 martial artist." Aunt Lin smirked and jumped out of the building to another building rooftop.

The three men of a suit with swords ran towards Aunt Lin.

"Aunt Lin! There are three for them in front! Turn left!" Zhong Yi screamed. "Boy. I will show you why you shouldn't underestimate your aunt." Aunt Lin dropped Zhong Yi and changed her stance. Aunt Lin punched the middle man in the chest. Breaking 8 rib cages. And threw him at the left guy. She then kicked the right guy in the leg. Making him fall. Subsequently, she continuously smashed his head until the brain was mashed with the broken skull. The left guy rushed towards Aunt Lin and try stabbing her in the back. Zhong Yi saw that and dashed towards her and grabbed the sword with his bare hand. The sword cut off his hand.

"AHHHHHH! You fucking bastard. My fingers just got regenerated and now my hand is fucking gone!" Zhong Yi cried in pain.

Aunt Lin's overconfident and carelessness led to Zhong Yi's hand getting cut off in front of her. "YOU RUSSIAN BASTARD DARE TO CUT OFF MY NEPHEW'S HAND IN FRONT OF ME!" Aunt Lin raged in fury and grabbed the man's shirt. "I will show you motherfuckers the different between 6 and 7!" Her hand glows with a golden aura, forming a sword-like structure. It was a SWORD QI. Sword qi was only recorded in ancient history. Even if you reach rank 8, you still can't create sword qi. To create a sword qi, one must devote his or her life to the way of the sword. Even the only rank 8 martial experts cannot even control their qi as fluently as Aunt Lin. The man started to beg for mercy, "Пожалуйста, пощади меня, я расскажу тебе все, что знаю! (Please spare me, I'll tell you everything I know)" "Трахни свою мать. (fuck your mother)" Aunt Lin cuts his mouth. Blood came out from the mouth and revealed his teeth. He starts to cry and talk gibberish. " Что, черт возьми, ты несешь? Я могу только слышать дерьмо(What the fuck are you talking about? I can only hear shit)" Aunt Lin replied as she stomps on his balls with wrath.


The man dies from testicular affliction.