Dear Benefactor

Douluo Continent.

Glorybound City.


A small house in the western side of Glorybound City. It was night-time and the house was surrounded by 7 people with masks on their faces.

One of them signalled the others to enter while he stayed on guard.

Five minutes later, the man was still waiting for the others to come.

"Did they start to have fun before delivering the product, those imbeciles, at least ask me as well!" The man said while jumping over the fence and entering the courtyard. He went near the door and placed his ears to hear the sounds to confirm his suspicion.

*Mmhn mmm mhmn mmmm *

"... Those bastards!" The man hastily spoke and opened the door with his locksmith skills.

The moment he entered, he suddenly smelled a really good fragrance and passed out without hearing his last words," do you know that the chloroform in the movies are actually real, it's just that using that is basically poison."


Fan Lin took a cup of hot, boiling water and splashed it towards the only person that was left alive.

"Ummmm? mmmm" the man who was splashed with boiling water wanted to scream due to the burning pain but he couldn't as he was gagged.

"Be calm, Dear benefactor, if you were to scream and then someone was to be alerted then I would have no choice but to kill you; by dipping you in the hot burning water below you that is."

Fan Lin said to the middle aged man in a calm and soothing voice. He voice was sweet like black pepper.

The middle aged man finally got his mind in control after nearly 10 minutes. He looked at the surroundings. His legs were tied with a rope and he was hanging upside down from the ceiling, attached to a small pulley, below him was a pot of boiling water and in front of him was the young kid that he came to kidnap.

He was a small human trafficker that supplied young teens and women to the nobles and escort service providers. That day was going to be the same as any other day to him but little did he know of the terror he encountered.

"Dear benefactor, aren't you too cruel to even think about selling a widowed woman and her daughter. So cruel. Let's end your cruelty~" Fan Lin said with a cheerful smile.

"W-what do you want-t? I will give you everything. I will tell you the location of my entire savings. Let me go! Please let me go! I beg you!" The middle aged man started to beg while crying.

"I don't want that, dear Benefactor. You know, a person stops putting more effort into his work if he becomes fulfilled by a single task. I don't want to be like that. I still want to improve and enjoy myself with the tough challenges from life. How would I do so if I already have everything? There would be no purpose for self-improvement and self-realization. I want to realize, I want to improve and most of all, I want to live like a king and a king doesn't take the leftovers of trash like you. Atleast I would not. So die." Fan Lin calmly replied while going near the rope that kept the middle aged man hanging in the air.

"Wait wait wait, it is near my house in the northern side, under a tree. My whole life savings that is. Please spare me. Please~" the middle aged man continued to beg.

"Look here Dear benefactor, I have your storage ring and it already has enough to last me three to four months. If you include extra loot from your men, then four months of life in ecstasy is guaranteed. So bye." Fan Lin showed the storage ring of the middle aged man and went towards the rope.

"Wait... wait... you... you spawn of the demon, wait a second! Argh argh aaah." The middle aged screamed to his full might, hoping to alert any passerbys.

"Ah, dear benefactor, I told you not to make any noises and what are you trying to do? Using your hands to free yourself? Are they really yours? Can you feel them?" Fan Lin calmly asked while gagging the middle aged man.

The middle aged man's eyes widened, he tried to feel his hands, he could not feel them. He looked at the young boy in front on him, especially at his hands.

"I thought that you might try to do something like that so I cut them. Here I shall put them in the boiling water first so that you won't feel lonely over there." Fan Lin said while waving the hands of the middle aged man over his face before putting it in the pot.

"Mmphn mmpgh" The middle aged man tried to fiercely struggle but was unable to make even a single noise.

"Ahh, I wanted to ask you something before I boil you. Do you remember the number of innocent lives that you have ruined? If you answer me correctly, I will let you go, alive at that." Fan Lin said to the middle aged man after he took the gag from his mouth.

The middle aged man stared at Fan Lin and then remained silent before answering, "... 56. I have supplied 56 people till now. Now please leave me. Please." The middle aged man said with desperation filled in his eyes. He was regretting it. He was regretting everything.

He regretted choosing the boy for his target. He regretted choosing this house where no soul came. He regretted selling fake medicines, he regretted many things.

"I will, I will let you go, alive at that. I never break my promise. Here, I let you go. Alive at that." Fan Lin calmly untied the rope that was keeping the middle aged man hanging above the big pot of hot water.

The middle aged man couldn't even utter a word before he was submerged in the boiling water, splashing like a fish out of water, his screaming becoming lighter and lighter as time passed, soon the body stopped moving completely.

Fan Lin had already gone the moment he let go of the middle aged man, alive at that. The only thing left in the room was a big pot that was filled with boiling water and a body that was slowly broiling in it. Below the pot, the fire was still burning maintaining the temperature of the pot and besides the pot, splashes of water were created when the middle aged man fell into the pot.

"Today's haul was bigger than I expected."

"But that also means that I shouldn't need to do this for a long time."

"Wulin needed to overwork everyday for three years to get the money for his first spirit soul and even that was for a random chance."

"I got a thrid of that amount in a night. I don't know what I actually want to do but whatever I chose, money will always be needed."

"Enjoy my punishment in a world that I hate to my bones wasn't it?"

"I will. I definitely will.

Fan Lin whispered in the dark of the night.