A visit to the hellscape part 3

Rades: well uh, Jay can you do the thing now?

Jay: hm? Well sure

Fedra: whats the thing?

Jay: well the thing Rades wants me to do is a commit genocide on fishes.

Fedra: cool....

We then went outside and stood near the pit of fire and there were lots of screaming

Fedra: hmm... Well to be honest, why can't I see or hear any souls screaming? Also since when did I become a sadist?

She can't see nor hear the souls screaming

Jay: well they are here and they are definitely screaming....

I then noticed that there was an infernal fish that mutated a lot

Fedra: anyways can't you Rades just erase their souls?

Rades: well even if we destroy their souls they will just repair from nothingness, and even if I use devouring spells they still won't die.

Fedra: hmh so Jay can kill them?

Rades: yup.

I then walked towards the pit even closer and stopped


I then noticed Jay is now further from us so I ran slowly towards him and suddenly a huge fish just jumped towards him, engulfed him whole and dragged him towards the pit

I then looked at Rades and he was quite shocked, I then looked at Akasho again and he was also shocked

Jay then appeared again in my side but his body is destroyed so much that it looked like it got mauled... Oh wait.

Jay: sheesh that fish destroyed my brain

He then regenerated so fast that i didn't even saw him regenerating

[Jay's human body regeneration speed if activated: if Jay turns this on then his body will regenerate 1500 megatons in 10^-30 seconds (this doesn't require magic, and Jay can stop or weaken this regeneration at will)

Jays human body regeneration speed if activated using magic: (record for Jay: no record, he never once regenerated his human body using magic, only the standard one which is the thing above)

Jays celestial body regen speed if activated: (this doesn't require magic, and Jay can stop or weaken this regeneration at will). 1500 megatons in 10^-55 seconds)

Jays celestial body regen speed if activated using magic: (record for Jay (this isn't the limit): 1500 megatons in 10^-140]

Fedra: Jay, how did you get eaten by that fish?

Jay: to be honest, I don't know the reason why I did that, I could've stopped it... But eh oh well

Rades then walked towards Jay

Rades: im gonna experiment something, don't defend youself

Rades then flicked his finger to Jay and Jay just vanished and in his place was a zestano statue of him, anyways I wonder what happened to the zestano in the battlefield...

(his body's atoms were turned to zestano due to the heat made by the flicking of the finger, anyways how Rades made the statue? Well he controlled the heat made from his fingers so that it would focus on Jay only)

Jay then reappeared again

(when Jay's body got destroyed by making all his atoms turn into zestano, he paused the regeneration for a bit and after that, he regenerated starting from his hands, legs (place where regeneration first occurs is optional). )

Rades: hmm, I guess your body is a human one since if you are in your celestial body you would've just stood still and nothing would be done to your body

(CA: tho the question is how did you even regenerated your clothes? Like are they even a part of you?

Jay: no, I just simply regenerated them from nothing)

Fedra: hmm based on that, I would guess that your body currently is far weaker than your original one, yes?

Jay: well duh, this body is below average

Fedra: wat?

Jay: yes, I use magic to strengthen my body, that being said

Jay then lifted his hand towards the sky and behind him, a lot of fishes floated including the big one and they just fell like 5 seconds aftef

Fedra: what spell you use?

Jay: well I just used control to erase their souls permanently

Fedra: wait you can?

Jay: yes, control is multi purpose ""

"" Akasho then jumped at Fedra's back thus knocking her to the ground, tho Akasho made it softer

A spear then was launched towards Rades but he just destroyed it

A spear then appeared infront of Fedra which is currently stabbing the ground, Fedra then looked above and saw a spear piercing Jay's neck

Rades: Jay, when did you become a masochist?

Jay: I dunno

The spear piercing Jay then vanished

Jay: the fact that he attacked us means that he already finished stealing the cursed demonic dagger you had

Rades: yes

Akasho then stood up, Fedra? Well she also stood up.

A primal demon then appeared infront of them carrying a pure black dagger illuminating a white dim light

Primal demon: wat?

The primal demon then froze

Jay: he's all yours

Rades: uh sure

(cursed demonic dagger: an artifact that is needed to become a demon lord, they are made by nature. Similar to how diamonds are made from compressed and heated carbon over time, cursed demonic daggers form when an energy of pure malice, despair, hatred get compressed and heated in 76 trillion degrees

Jay: anyways to become a demon lord? Well I'll tell that next chapter since this chapter is getting too long, bye!- oh wait CA, how and where did you even get my name?

CA: just end the chapter alread-

Jay: tell me!

CA: just read my mind

Jay: no, I want you to tell me directly!

CA: fine, well I got it by a show called ninjago

Jay: and where did you get Jared's and Fedra's?

CA: well I got Jared from the bible when I was reading the old testament, Fedra's? Well google translate)