Chapter 2

I awoke from my nightmare and clutched my abdomen tightly imagining the pain of the claws piercing through my skin. Lifting my shirt up, I looked at my scar and then remembered that the dream was not a dream. It was real. Three years ago, after witnessing Noah's death, I became so intoxicated with rage and revenge that I eventually lost myself. The Hunter's Society kicked me out and I went back to life as a regular human and entered into college to study psychology.

So far, my 'normal' life has been pleasant but uneventful. I must admit that exam stress was definitely not as exhilarating as decapitating vampires, or trying to stop a werewolf from ripping my head off. I had told myself that there was no point in dwelling on the past, as I was not considered the most talented hunter anymore. Instead, I was known as the unstable blood craving hunter who went rouge. I could never return to that life.

Suddenly, a loud bang on my door broke my thought processes.

"Thana! You better not be still in bed. I'm going to give you 10 minutes!"

Rolling my eyes, I ignored my friend Seth outside my dorm room and got dressed for the day in less then 5 minutes. As an ex-hunter, no matter where we were or what we were doing, if we were called to a job we always had to be ready. Because that one extra minute that we took to get dressed could mean an extra dead person. Not long after, I opened the door and was greeted to a chuckle from my friend.

"I never fail to believe how a girl can get dressed and still look good so quickly."

"I've just been well groomed since a kid. Anyway, let's get going to the library."

Seth and I were very fortunate to find an almost empty table in the library during exam period.

"Sorry to bother, but are these seats taken?" I asked.

The students looked up from their work and immediately stared at me with a look of fear in their eyes.

" um they're not. Here, have the table, we're leaving anyway." The students quickly packed away their belongings and scurried away.

"We don't bite!" Seth called out to them. Mrs Willow, the librarian, sent a chilling look in our direction.

Funnily, the students who just left actually did bite. They were vampires. Supernaturals have been co-existing alongside humans for years. Of course, only those in the Hunter's Society was aware of this. Those supernaturals that choose to live a simple and peaceful life in the human world were frowned upon as mingling with humans was a big no no.

"Maybe they're scared of you Thana. I mean, you do give a very scary vibe," Seth jokingly said.

I punched him hardly on his arm, with which he responded with a yelp of cry and then another deathly glare from Mrs Willow.

Seth wasn't wrong. Although I had stopped hunting for 3 years already, no supernatural being didn't know who I am. Well, who I once was and the things I did. If I were them, I would be afraid of me as well.

"Hey Thana, do you know the answer to this question?"

Ignoring the memories that began to creep back into my consciousness, I refocused my attention to helping Seth.

A couple hours later

"I don't know about you, but I am completely knackered!" Seth rocked slightly back on his chair as he stretched his back and arms out, and then knocked some poor girls head just before he fell to the ground. All eyes in the library were now turned to Seth who was groaning in pain about his hip. Immediately everyone in the library erupted into laughter. Unfortunately for us, Seth's little accident was the last straw for Mrs Willow as she stormed over to our table and then kicked us out for causing a disruption to the other students.

After our commotion, Seth and I walked to the cafeteria for some well-deserved dinner after six hours of studying.

"Holy shit, Thana! Look, someone videoed Mrs Willow yelling at us and posted it onto the College Facebook page and its gotten over 1,000 likes! And look, people are calling me a legend for giving them a good laugh during exam time!"

"Good for you," I replied whilst I scanned the environment around me. With Seth still occupied with his phone, my heightened senses as a hunter noticed the sudden drop in temperature. There was no one around us walking around the campus and the street lights kept flickering on and off. There's someone, or something here. The wind howled louder and then from the corner of my eye I saw a figure, a male, that blended in with the night sky along with the dark aura I sensed around him. I grabbed Seth by his arm and quickly dragged him along as he kept watching the video on repeat. I turned back to where the figure was and swore I saw a flicker of piercing eyes stare back before it disappeared. Thinking that my eyes were playing tricks on me, I pushed Seth into the cafeteria hall and prayed that what I had just seen was a cat and not some monster on the loose.

Once I finished dinner, I returned to my dorm room feeling slightly grumpy as my dinner was disturbed by students bombarding our table, and questioning Seth about the racket he caused earlier today in the library.

Entering my room, I felt the cold air seeping through my opened windows and walked over to close them. As I tried to force my windows to close, I noticed outside standing in the dim of the streetlight the dark figure from before. The figure's back was facing towards me, but when I started closing my window he turned his body towards my direction and his head travelled upwards until it stopped at my window. Even from a distance, I could see a smirk from the figures face under his baseball cap, and again, the piercing eyes that seemed to be analysing me. Slightly weirded out to the fact that I may in fact have a stalker, I stood paralysed for a few seconds starting at the figure until my phones ringtone started going off. Breaking eye contact from the window for a few seconds to search for my phone, I turn back around and notice the stalker outside had disappeared. The sound of my phone continued ringing, and I finally looked at the number that was calling me. Never in a million years had I thought that I would see this number again, but I thought wrong. Blinking my eyes to assure that my vision were not playing tricks on me again, I pressed the answer button and put the phone to my ear, and prepared for the worst yet to come.