
Kyle listened to Lorne's mambo jumbo intently.

However, when Lorne said that, his heart skipped a beat.

Oh no! His little secret has been discovered.

He really needs the money, and he needs it badly.

Ever since he funded the other palace, he has been grasping at straws every day.

Although he was still able to eat and drink luxuriously, the daily expenses have been burning a hole in his treasury immensely.

At the very least, Kyle had even ordered some of the places in the palace that were not commonly used to be sealed off. Moreover, most of the places in the palace that were brighter during the day now were not allowed to have candles.

Even these minor details were put to use. It could be seen that Kyle had indeed started to save money. However, after rolling his eyes, Kyle still asked in a skeptical tone, "Our empire is so rich, and the King of the Lolan Empire owns the world and has countless wealth in the world.