I’ll Come Clean! I Am The King Of Lolan!

I’ll Come Clean! I Am The King Of Lolan!

Fantasy138 Chapters1.8M Views
Author: Black Fighter Jet
Table of Contents

In the 15th year of Lolan’s independence, Luo En transmigrated to this world. But because his system needed six months to load, he had to make use of his own know-how to open a bar in the city and use the bar to familiarize himself with this new universe he was in.

But the location of the bar was poor, so the only customer he had was a man named Charles. This man was a very strange one who enjoyed asking Luo En about the country. He would ask about matters concerning the military, the people, and any other topic that would have seemed potentially treasonous.

“What sort of person do you think the current king of Lolan is?”

“Which side do you think is more likely to win the war between Lolan and Waoh?”

“Which of the king’s sons do you think is most suitable to be the next king?”

Charles’ questions were always so bold.

Luo En was always on the verge of rolling his eyes. As a top student of the 21st century who was well versed in military matters and history, these brainless questions were an insult to his intelligence.

But since Charles always spent so much money here, he decided to just answer some of Charles’ questions.

“The current king of Lolan is a good king who’s hard to come by. His legacy will definitely go down in history!”

“Before him, Lolan was a divided nation where the aristocrats took control of everything, oppressing the people and making their lives difficult. White Horse City and Sunset City were filled with poor and hungry people, even selling their children to make ends meet and eating absolutely anything they could find. It was such a tragedy.”

“Thankfully, the current king united the country and gave the people a peaceful and stable environment to live in. At the same time, he set new laws to help the people come out of their post-war poverty…”

“So, I think the current king is a truly wise man, a good king who comes once every millennium!”

After hearing these words, the king in disguise at the bar felt his heart palpitate. “You know me the best!”

120 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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This is actually an amazing story. I hope this gets picked. This is the type and quality of stories I want to see. It’s Been awhile since Webnovel and given us something like this

3 years ago

this is good and refreshing theme, people tell their problem in the bar that make good food and wine, just one thing doesnt match thought the system, if there is no system this is great

3 years ago

This is a slice-of-life series focused on the MC being treated as a genius because he was a history buff or else lived through that time period before. The chapters only consist of flattery and shock regarding his comments, even though they aren't world-bending concepts and would've been possible to figure out enough without him. The MC is a mystery. Considering he's not personally familiar with anyone there, it looks like he traveled through time to the past or something. Since the series mentioned transmigration, I thought he went to a world in a book that described history of this other world, but one of the readers commented that "transmigration" is a mistranslation here. If he had memories of his future sent to the past, then he'd have more relationships with people. If this world is in a book, then he'd have his own agenda. Therefore, it looks like he's a history buff that just traveled back in time. There's no mention of a family, so I guess he wasn't reincarnated but just appeared out of nowhere. Although the MC cooks excellent food, the food is never described in detail. In fact, the setting of the world and description of the appearances of various things is never given at all. I initially thought it was set to a place like Europe in the middle ages since western names were used and the king was implied to only have one wife. Later, the king has a harem filled with many wives and concubines rather than mistresses. Aside from the setting and world background having no information, the characters themselves have no details either. A couple of people are described as old while the MC is described as young. There is no information about their races or how they dress. There isn't even any culture described at all. This series is incredibly passive. The system would have been its saving grace since it could've added a plot, but it still hasn't appeared forty chapters in. There is no plot, and there isn't any story development. No female characters appear in the first forty chapters with the exception of one of the king's wives and her maids. She appears once. With no story development, no plot, no character design, and no world background, there's nothing to expect from this series. Once you read the first chapter, you've basically read them all. They all flow in similar ways. I can't imagine what the author was thinking while writing this.

3 years ago

RAW pls? ................................................................................................................................

3 years ago

This novel is mediocre. The first 30 pages seem more a slice of life than anything else. I keep waiting for the pace to inctease and it never does.

3 years ago

This is surprisingly interesting and pretty decent. Although there's some elements of Chinese quotes and names mixed in. It certainly is better than most of the other novels for this round's Trial Read.

3 years ago

i am actually interested in original novel... seems like a good read.. however this westernized POS totally kills any value of this novel. instead of transmigration into past with historical knowledge, it becomes generic transmigration into the past in authors fantasy world. ffs idk why i even try "new novels" when they are mostly generic westernized POS.

3 years ago

this is rewritten version of Great Tang’s Unparalleled National Teacher. checked first 10 chapters of raw and here and while most story is almost carbon copy with westernized names, there are differences in events. this may lead to considerable differences later in novel, or rewriter just forgetting what differences he made compared to original. consider yourself warned.

3 years ago

A rare gem. While I personally will not be spending coins on this I feel that it is very well done. This novel is well written and translated with an original concept. I recommend giving this story a shot. By the time you get through the free chapters you should be able to decide for yourself if you like it. An easily recommended story. Give it a go, you might enjoy it.

3 years ago

The core story progression point in this novel is flawed. Lorne wows the king and his attendant with his analyses of current events in the world, despite the fact that it is impossible for him to know anything. The tavern he owns has no customers, as the author points out, while Lorne does not go out, or at least, it isn’t stated or even hinted. Lorne has no personality, heck, we aren’t even given a description of his physical features, ambitions or background. The explanations feel rushed, and aren’t substantial in any way. TL;DR this is a miss.

3 years ago

albeit similar to the elf queen tavern except its a king who is in disguise, listens to the mc instead. Overall its a wholesome story, could've done without the system though cuz it is a little bit out of place when the mc knew much already of the history. the system isn't needed at all but take my words as a grain of salt. Very fun to read, its been a while ive read a relaxing novel. 😁

3 years ago

Actually really good story. There doesn't seem to be any action so far but I think its better that way. . .. . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .

3 years ago

Good story but I doubt we will see the system before the 40 chapters are done and I think the world background needs to be more detailed but other then that pretty good

3 years ago

I'm not going to go too in-detail for this novel, just because theres not a whole lot to write about. First, theres a lack of detail in pretty much everything, and that kills the novel considering it's a slice-of-life. This includes the food, the era, descriptions of characters, and the setting in general. I really don't know how any of these characters look. Second, theres nothing here to make you stay. The main character is a history buff who cooks good food and makes good wine. Thats all we know about him. The King visits him in his bar to ask various questions, and considers him a sage. He never says anything too shocking, but for some reason all the people around him treat him like a God. These are things that would've been resolved if the King paid more attention, but whatever. Overall, this novel is rather barebones and once the novelty wears off, it becomes rather boring.

3 years ago

I got to chapter 10 before i decided to drop this, when we start the story we get your basic intro to the mc (i transmigrated, here is my system which won't wake up for 6 more months, i specialize in history so i know what will happen, and somehow i went from a penny less bum to owning an inn on a corner street in the capital) this was all pretty much chapter 1 after that we meet Charles (the king in disguise) who asks about the situation of a war going on in another country and the kings chances of winning if he participated in the war, to this the mc described the snow storm going on in the enemies territory and a drought unknown to the king going on in our territory....... Now here is where my low score comes into play, the above took like two chapters, we then spend the next EIGHT talking about how amazing the mc is (and only find out in chapter 8 or 9 that the mc did NOT transmigrate but instead traveled too the past which is how he knew the weather, although why he would memorize the weather from most likely centurys past i have no idea) so in essence we have 8 chapters of identifying that the mc is amazing plus needing to cover up a plot hole of how the mc would know the weather in two separate parts of the continent

3 years ago