Superficial Knowledge!

At the same time, the first reaction of the three envoys was full of disbelief.

However, if these words came out of someone else's mouth, the three envoys would just ignore it. After all, this was the national policy that they had spent two months formulating.

However, the problem was that Lorne did indeed have a deep understanding of the history and heritage of Fusang. He even knew about their traditions and customs, as if he had really lived in Fusang.

In addition, from their conversation, it was clear that this... tavern boss was also a person with real cultural knowledge.

Perhaps from his words, they would be able to understand more objectively and comprehensively what aspects of the Lolan Empire they should learn before going back to Fusang.

Therefore, the envoy immediately looked a little solemn, and then asked, "Sir Lorne, I don't know why you have such a saying.