Caflindor Lo Tran

Mia and Mrs. Rose reached the station at nine past forty eight o'clock . Mrs. Rose paid the driver before he left . Looking at the Station Gate , Mia felt freedom ; a feeling she had never felt before . She was holding her Luggage in one hand the Bag of her books in the other . Mrs. Rose saw that she was looking happy with her Bright and beautiful face . They were both standing in front of the gate when suddenly a boy bumped into Mia pushing Mia and him to the ground . " Oops , I am so sorry " the boy said while he tried to stand and held Mia's hand to help her get up to . " Its okay " , said Mia .

" Are you a cafle ? " , said the Boy .

" Yeah , how did you know ? "

" Come on , I can see your books ! " said the boy with a smirk .

" I am Mia , What is your name ? "

" I am Blasé , Blasé Smitther . What is your full name ? "

" My full name is Mia White . "

" Are you the Daughter of Mr. Alan White ?

" Yeah . Wait , how did you know this one ? "

" Mr. Alan White was the Top Ranked Student and Professor in Caflindor School of Magic ! "

" What ? "

" I will tell you more in the Train , We are getting Late . " said Blasé while she hurried to pick her things .

" Ok ! Aunt let's go . "

" I am not going any further , this is my Last stop " .

" What do you mean ? "

" Hurry up , go . You are late . "

Mia hurried and went inside the Station with Blasé . She could not even get enough time to talk to her Aunt . They reached the Platform 3 and stood with their Luggage , when they met another boy running toward them . " Hey , you two " said the boy while Panting , " You look like Cafles . Are you cafles ? " . " Yes , we are . " Blasé said . " Where is the Platform of Caflindor Lo Tran ? " . " Right here " said Blasé again ." Thanks ! What are your names ? "

" I am Blasé and this is Mia " .

" I am Randy , Nice to meet you two "

Randy shook his hands with Blasé and Mia . " Is this the Train which we are looking for ? " said Mia . " Nope , our Train is the next one . Remember this , before we enter the Train we have to show out envelope to the First man we see while entering " . " Thanks Blasé , I almost forgot about it ! " .

The next Train came to the Platform 3 at Perfectly Ten o'clock with a High Pitched Whistle blasting people's ears . " This is our train " , said Randy . Three of them went towards the Last Wagon of the Train . Mia looked for the envelope in her bag when she saw a small patch of Brown color with full of 100 dollar notes . She ignored that for the time and took out her envelop to show the first man she meets .

A man came out of the Wagon Gate and saw the Three Youngsters . " Who you ? " . Without saying anything , they showed the Man their envelopes . Looking at the envelope the man descended down from the Train and let them enter the Chamber . They went inside to find their seats , surprisingly they all had the seats in the same chamber . After they sat , they saw some more kids enter the Wagon thought he Window .

Randy took out a mirror and started to fix his hair when suddenly Mia asked , " What is that ? " . Randy was looking too confused to answer the question when Blasé said , " It's a mirror and you can see yourself in it " . " Really ? " said Mia with a surprised tone . " Yeah " words came out of Randy's mouth . " Can I see ? " , " Sure " .

Randy handed the Mirror to Mia . When Mia looked at the Mirror , she was surprised . She saw a girl with Light Green eyes and a Fair skin tone . She saw the cute way she had tied her hair up . Her hair was brown in color , A little wavy . She saw that when the girl smiled , there was a small dimple on her left cheek . " Is this me ? " Mia said with excitement .

" Yes for sure " replied Blasé with a soft voice .

" Is this Mirror correct that my Eyes are Green ? "

" Yes again "

Randy was watching with a Trauma of confusion . Then he tried to relax and fought the Trauma . He said , " This is a gift for you " .

" I don't need it " said Mia with an embarrassed voice .

" I am gifting you , not giving you "

" I am not allowed to take things from Strangers "

" Come on , from today we are friends "

" Randy , don't force her " said Blasé with a rough voice .

During their Conversation the Train had left the Platform and was on its way to Switzerland . But it did not even go five kilometers when the Train stopped . The last Wagon was cut off from the rest of the Train ; and the Train left it all alone in the Railway . Suddenly from out of Nowhere a Locomotive came and attached itself to the Wagon and Started its journey to Canada . " Where did you live in France ? " asked Randy to Mia .

" Paris " she replied .

" How many people are there in your Family ? "

" One " she replied in a low voice .

Randy was going to ask more question when Blasé stopped him by asking Mia , " Do you like Chocolates ? " . "I never ate some, like no one ever gave me "

"No problem, here you go ". Blasé handed Mia a bar of Chocolate. Not missing one for Randy. He also took one for himself!

Three of them have a future they can never imagine.

This is just the Beginning.