The ChitChat between Friends

Mia was eating the Bar of Chocolate and trying to remember how the Hot Chocolate tasted . She looked outside the Window and saw the Beautiful clouds . Mia knew they were flying in the Sky , when she looked at Blasé and Randy they were also busy eating their Chocolates . Blasé started feeling bored when he asked Mia ,

- " What is your Favorite animal , Mia ? " .

" I don't like any Animals specially but Sometimes I feel I love Wolves . I never saw any wolves but Husky looks very similar to one . " replied Mia .

" How do you know that Wolves are Similar to Huskies when you never saw them ? " said Randy while eating his Chocolate .

" Good Point , Randy " .

" I don't know , but I guess I am right with what I said " .

Three of them Laughed a long time . They were joking and making a lot of Fun . Mia got a little bored and Also tired so , she fell asleep .

( In Mia's Dream )


There only Darkness . Mia could hear Blur Screams and Howling of Wolves but was not able to understand any of it . she suddenly heard a Woman's voice saying ,

- " It should not see her , Take her away . For GOD SAKE listen to me and go " .

There was a sound of a Wolf Howling very Loudly . After that suddenly a Female voice Screamed .


Mia woke up hesitantly and finding herself covered with a Blanket . " Are you okay ? " hurried Randy .

" I'm fine , It was just a Bad Dream " answered Mia , still thinking about the Dream .

" Good to hear that you are not Scared after seeing a bad Dream " said Blasé while handing Mia a glass of Water .

" Blasé , do you mind me telling what you know about my Father ? Please don't mind me asking but you told me earlier that you will tell me about him in the Train " , Mia drank the Whole glass of Water looking mysteriously at Blasé and Randy .

" Umm .. Sure I can ! But we don't know much about Mr. Alan either . He is like a celebrity in the Magic world . " said Blasé .

" Let me tell you , I know much about him since My Mother and Your Father studied together . " Randy said to Mia before Blasé could utter another word .

" Okay , both of you can say . I am eager to listen about him " .

" Me first then ! " Randy said it for sure .

Mia did not say anything but giggled . Blasé by the way , was a little bit disturbed by Randy's behavior .

" Mr. Alan was and Intelligent Brain when he studied there , I mean in Caflindor . He was the First ever student to earn Nine Hundred and fifty eight points out of One Thousand . I mean what I want to say is , he scored the highest of all time in his 5th Year . Still no one broke the Record . "

Blasé seemed to be disturbed a bit too much after hearing the words and Argued with Randy , " You wanted to say that Mr. Alan had Scored Nine Hundred and seventy eight points " .

" Okay guys , Umm .. Who is hungry ? " said Mia to stop their fights .

" Me " said the boys at the same time .

Mia had found some Macaroons in her Backpack . She does not know how it even came in there . But still she gave some to her friends and eats some herself . It was 12 o'clock in the noon and by this time they knew a lot about each other .

Randy was Playing Videogames in his iPad , Blasé was reading a thick Novel Book and Mia was looking at them thinking what she can do . Randy could see that Mia was a little bored so , he offered his iPad and told Mia to Play games . Mia never played games nor was she allowed to look at it when she lived with the Agreste's . So , Randy got a good Job to teach her play games .

The friends did not notice that There were speakers in each Chamber of the Wagon . It suddenly started making an announcement ,

- " We are very Close to our Destination dear Cafles . Please get ready and pack everything that you unpacked and make sure you leave nothing in the Wagon . Best of Luck to your new World " .

Randy did not bother hearing it because he had nothing unpacked . Mia and Blasé were packing some stuff like Blanket , Chocolate wrappers and Macaroon Packets .

It was a sudden glance at the Window when Mia saw the beautiful Campus of Caflindor School of Magic .