
Yu Haiyang's cheeks instantly flooded red, looking uncomfortable and shy. The previously audacious school bully was now acting like an innocent teenage boy—Su Jin couldn't help chuckling.

She swept her glance across the ground where the thugs were still groaning before she typed, "Let's go, nephew. I've just called the cops, and they'll be here soon."

Then she headed for the cool-looking heavy bike she stole earlier. Just as she put on her helmet elegantly and was about to fling her legs over the seat, Yu Haiyang grabbed her arm.

Su Jin gave him a questioning glance—what now?

Face still flushed, he opened his mouth, but no words came out. He took a deep breath before stuttering his words, "I-I can't go home... yet."

Su Jin was even more confused. She inserted another text, "Huh. You want me to drive you to the hospital, then?"

He shook his head and explained, "No hospital. There's a motorbike race I have to go to now. It's urgent."