Who Dares Bully My Nephew?

Su Jin's smile lacked warmth but was also evil. If they insisted on making a move, no one should blame her when she stuck her most poisonous needles into their bodies.

Yu Haiyang's lips twitched at her arrogance. He shouldn't have believed in her. Oh, great. She might end up worse than he would.

The men scowled at Su Jin, thinking she was insane. Pity—her good looks couldn't at all compensate for her intelligence. She was a total moron.

"That's enough talking. Let's finish what we came for—cut off all limbs and get rolling before the cops come back."

One of the cowardly men asked, voice shaking, "Isn't this a little too brutal? Our superiors told us to only severe his tendons."

The man in lead swung his palm, slapping the back of the timid guy's head. "F*ck. It's all that crazy *ss woman's fault. Get to work now, people. Don't forget the lunatic. Chop chop."