Would You Rather Be a Rapist?

Lin Zihan pointed angrily at Su Xue; his expression was extremely ugly but he couldn't say a word. Su Xue was very pleased when she saw the angry Lin Zihan. She wanted to force Lin Zihan to marry her. Since Lin Zihan couldn't escape anyway, he should just give in. Su Xue wore a smug expression on her face as she said to Lin Zihan,

"What? Were you going to say that I'm shameless? That I'm despicable? So what? Mr. Best Actor, don't forget that there will be a press conference soon. Are you still not willing to be my boyfriend? Don't tell me that you'd rather be a rapist! Think carefully."

Lin Zihan looked at Su Xue in disgust. He really didn't understand why she had to use such a despicable method to force him when she had Su Beijiang as her backer. She was shameless to the extreme. However, Lin Zihan didn't have a better solution; he could only turn and leave angrily so that he's not angered to death by these two people.