Why Do You Like Women?

Su Jin could not figure out what she had done to make the demon king so angry. She turned and walked into the kitchen. After she took out the ingredients from the fridge, she was still thinking about what she had done. But she had not done anything at all. Why was the demon king angry? Still confused, she asked Xi Chenxiao,

"Boss, I've been very well-behaved today. I was attending classes obediently all day. What did I do to make you so angry?"

Xi Chenxiao followed Su Jin to the kitchen and leaned against the kitchen door. He looked at Su Jin with a gloomy expression. How dare this girl ask such a question? How could she not know what she had done? How was this possible? The girl just did not want to admit it. His tone was jealous and unhappy as he questioned Su Jin,

"Girl, am I not good to you? Why do you like women? Why do you like Hou Wan'er?"