Mistake in Past

She reached the Mansion, and directly went to the kitchen, today she had to prepare fifty dishes for dinner.

' Such a shameless man,womanaizer, perv**t ,mo** n' she cursed him inside her heart.

She kept cooking the dishes,it took more than two hours to make so many dishes ,suddenly two strong arms wrapped her waist from behind.

She was about to scream" Shhh its me" Kiyan cold voice rang in her ears.

" Are you cooking a for me?" He asked her, she was shivering in fear" Y...Yes master".

He turned her around, now she is facing him.He look at her with wide smirk on his face, while she was looking him in fear, but as usual she was trying her best not to show her fear.

Kiyan lean her body backside till her back is touching flames burning on gas burner.First her hairs starts burning, than her cloths followed by skin. She realised some hot on her back, and here it was ...her cloth catches fire, her back was burning from backside.

" Master...master please..pull me up...its burning master...Aahhhh..ahhhhh please I beg you sir please pull me up.....Ahhhh" She starts screaming and crying, begging for her life.

" Sirr....please ahhhh.....aha...please pull me up...pull me uppp.. You want me to be burned alive... Please pull me up....it's burning.... burning.....oh my ..godddd. Ahhhhhhh help me.... please.....nooooooo ...stop it ...." She is tapping his shoulder to pull her up ,sobbing loudly. She is pain, she deserve it , this is Kiyan's thought. He let her burn till he was satisfied.

He pulled her up when he was done with her.Her long silky straight hairs got burned, her cloths and white skin is burned..

He threw her on floor like a trash and walk

" Master" she called softly.

He turn back to listen her" Please lend me your jacket"

" Why should I"

" My...Mmmy back ....cloths from backside are burned...please I need to cover myself...." Her face was wet with tears and she starts hiccups.

" You know what....I should do something more" he took olive oil and pour on her burned back.

Poor girl can't do anything except screaming and begging for help"Noooooo...Mommmm....Dad...save me...Ahhhhh...ahhh...nooooo".Listening her calling to her father ,made his blood boil.

He hold her jaws tightly" He is dead,your father is dead.....don't mentioned anything here about him" He threw his jacket on her and walk angrily.

She cover herself, walk without anyone's help.She walk in her room with much difficulty, and took cold shower to relax her burning pain, she came out of her bath room wearing loose tshirt.

She heard the knock, which send fear to her bone , a beautiful lady enter with a butler" Madam, she is doctor to check you" he informed and gave ladies privacy.

" Hello, I am Ishani, I am here to check you, can I see your back?"

She nodded and turn her back to doctor, she carefully remove the top, and touch her wound

"Hisss"she hiss from pain.

" I am sorry, but I can't believe you used olive oil on your burned" doctor claimed.

' Like its in my hand' Hazel thought" Yeah I know I made a mistake by applying olive oil"

" Fine, I will clean it, and then I will apply an ointment to soothe the skin. You have to apply same ointment thrice a time in a day, and take proper medicine prescribe by me" she spoke while cleaning her wound.

After few minutes, she gave her tablets to eat and instruct her about medicine and ointment.Doctor was smart enough to understand, some one burned her and pour olive oil to increase her pain.She has to be silent because of Kiyan's power and position, he might cancel her license, making her career to an end.


During mid night, Kiyan is wide awake, he was working in his study table to complete his latest project.

After completing his work, he wrapped up and strectch his body to relieve.

He stood up and walk out of the room.In his mid way, Hazel room caught his attention.He decide to have a look on her.

He open the door, and look at her.She was lying on her stomach as her back is burned.

Her soft sobs can clearly heard in silent room" Why....why....me....What I had ...done...I ...miss ...you mom....I hope you and brother are safe somewhere...I miss ...you...please search me....save ...me I can't....I can't mom....I can't...."

She keep sobbing softly, the pain she receive physically and mentally is too much to bear for her" Save me...brother..what..If one day I die....I don't know...whether my death news will ...reach to you ..or not...."

Kiyan look at poor girl lying on cold floor without blanket without pillow....just on floor.His heart pinch, he silently went back to his room.

Hazel was still in her thoughts" I am sorry Dad...for betraying you...I am sorry .....dad....because of me..you are dead ,mom and brother are captive.....It was just my mistake.....may be I am paying for my own deeds"

The mistake she did in past, paid heavy price to her present.