Straight to Hell

Kiyan was feeling frustated, the way he saw her making his heart bleed from inside, but he remember his time, his family time. His family was almost got killed, if he wouldn't have save them on time.

Her father torture him for straight five years.Now table has turn,it his time to torture, unfortunately Roy died, but Hazel is still there for him to torture and vent out his anger on her.

" She deserve it, she is Roy's daughter"


The next day when she woke up she starts her work.This is her life now- pain, wound, scars tears are part of her life.

On dining table he is eating his breakfast.

" Get ready after breakfast, We are going to introduced you" he wipe his mouth with clothes and without waiting for her reply he walk.

' Need to Introduced me,but where?' she wondered,but went to her room without any further delay.


Inside her room, she found a dress hanging on hook with some jewelleries.The dress was body revealing, she didn't like revealing dress, but here she has no option.

She wore the beautiful beautiful dress after long time.She wore jewelleries and apply little make up.

As there was no mirror in room, she took water in glass to look at her reflection. Yes this is her, the neat clean princess of her family.

She wipe the tear ,which fell from her eyes and went out, the more she look at herself the more she cry.

Kiyan was waiting for her came out, he heard the sound of door opening and closing, she came out wearing the revealing dress, when Kiyan saw her, he noticed she is thin like bone, all the skin stuck to her bones, the way she is walking any one can clearly figure out she is drained out of energy.

He didn't failed to see her weakness,but still her natural beauty is still intact, the diamond outline of her face, sharp long nose with almond eyes and porcleain skin is still on.

" Master...." she called her, as he was zoned out looking at her in good dress after long time.She always in maid clothes, and tired look.

" Follow me" he walk out of the mansion in car, with her beside him.Inside car, her white slender legs was catching his attention again and again.

The car drove till an hours when the arrived on destination.They both came out of car, she step down on red carpet, there were many securities.

Before entering the hall, you have to speak the code (password).She noticed with them ,there are other high class people were present, with a man and many women, or single women with single man.

When she enter the banquet, this was little weird to her sight.There was a stage and chairs, but along with it, beds are also present over there.

Strange, she never visited the party where beds are present, another weird thing is , everything is white in colour.The stage having a fur white carpet with net white curtains and bedsheet, beds everything is in white in colour.

Men are in blacks and women in royal blue colour.Why its has to be so weird ?.

Once every one arrived, the host came and greet one and crack few jokes to entertain the guest, but his joke are adult and double meaning.

" So its time to rock the party....let me tell you a joke...There were two couple living in same apartment ,same floor.One day they decide to have vacation together.They went to holiday, but twist was, the husband are craving for other wife." the host continue to tell them the story.

" There crave went further, and one day they decide to do wife swapping, as usual they know their wives will never agree, so they spike their drink and enjoy the night with others wife, still their wives don't know anything about swapping" the audience burst into laughing.

" What so good in it, taking advantage if innocent people" she mummered.

" Now ,lets begin with our party ' INTRODUCING MISTRESS' you can enjoy the any women you want"

Hazel eyes widen in fear" can't be serious about this....No master please....I beg you.....don't throw me into this puddle"she immediately starts crying holding his arms.

"Are you listening me....I won't be warming any men bed....I ....please...I father ...never did to you....than..than why I have just because.....i am ...women.....master....please this..."she kept crying into deaf ears.

" The first mistress is the beauty gorgeous....Hazel..." the host introduce her, and she look at host in fear and surrounding.All men are looking at ger with lust gaze,some even untied their suit button.

" No.....No....master.....please....dont do this to me" two men took her arms and drag her out of chair.

"Nooooooooo.....I am...not mistress.....leave me" she screamed and two men threw her on bed.

She immediately sat up, but a men put his entire weight and drag her down with him,he start squeezing her soft mounds.She shout top of her voice, when other three men only on boxer attack her.

They forcefull undress her, leaving her without clothes..She was screaming, begging for help,she want to die right now.....The tears fell like water fall.

One men start fingering her, the other two start sucking her mound" stopppppppppp.....nooooo" She struggle to free herself but soon her two hand caught tightly by a man above her head, the legs were spread wide, and each leg caught a man to keep her in place.

Finally she called the name she never thought

" me.....kiyan...."the man who put her into this dirty puddle,only he can save her.

" Pleaseeeee....leave me kiyan...." she shouted her name in hope and crying with loud sobs.

When Kiyan heard her calling him in hope, just for once he thought to help her, but his anger overtook it.He saw her in miserable condition, struggling to free herself, but he watch her with smile, like his is enjoying.

Hazel tearful eyes met his arrogant cold eyes, now she stop shouting and looking him in plead, her eyes are clearly telling him to save her from this humilation.

" Kiyan...." she softly called him and nodded No signal not to let her innocence break her like this.

She feel something hard poking between her leg, she withdrew her gaze from Kiyan and look at place between her leg.A man was ready to take her.

" Nooooooooooooooo" she shout and struggle with full strength remaining inside her.She twisted her body to save herself.

" HELL....what type of mistress you are enjoying Kiyan" a man frustately told him, when she is start twisting.

She start to jump little, keep twisting amd turn , not to allow anyone to touch her.

" I WILL DEFINETELY TAKE YOU" the man angrily said and ready to go inside her pure cave.