She is Slave

The revenge is his first priority.,The want to take revenge for each and every minute every pain he suffered.

His royalty never left, when Roy was torturing him, now its his time to do.His phone rang , he look at the caller and smile" Hey Mom how are you?"

" Thanks to you, that we are fine here, what about you?

" All good Mom, when you and dad are coming to meet me?"

" Very soon Son, I call you to inform, me and your father will be coming there to meet you next week"

" I will eagerly waiting and looking forward to meet you. "

" Bye son"

" Bye mom"

He smile widely to meet his parents.After he got released from Roy clutches he immediately send his parent to another country, to keep them safe.


After the humilation, Hazel was little disturb.Kiyan reduced her work, now she only do limited cooking not other house hold work like mopping, dusting.

She didn't argue for that, as she know she can't do all the work alone till end.She now cook food for him.She stop talking and glancing at Kiyan.

He is aware of her action, but thought to give her time, she need to recover to bear his suffering. If he continue to torture her, she will be dead.

One thing he can't deny, the food taste amazing made by her.

After cooking she has little time save for her,, which she like to spend in garden under cherry blossom tree.

She just sit closing her eyes and listening the nature sound like birds chirpping, water falling from fountain near by.The buzzing sound of bees.This time feels like heaven blessing for her.


At night, after finishing her work, Hazel prepare the things for morning, and clean the kitchen ,switch off the lights and came out.

Because of rough activity of Kiyan she is still in pain and can't walk properly. She slowly walk putting hand on her stomach.

In middle way she met Kiyan, she avert her gaze and pass through him" Get me a glass of milk" his voice rang in her ears.

" Its already in your study room master"

" Its cold re-heat it and bring to my room".

She took deep breath and walk again slowly in study room than kitchen to give him milk.

She placed warm milk on table" Add tumeric a pinch in it" he order looking at laptop.

She feels like punching his face.She was the princess of her family, and here he made her slave.

No one dare to look at her without her consent first.She went back to kitchen, took tumeric in bowl and walk to his room.

" How much master?" she asked.

" A Pinch" she add a pinch of tumeric and stir it.

" Get me something light meal to eat, I am hungry"

She nodded in anger , and resume to work.


In Kitchen

" Some times I feel I should add red chillies in his food" she bake rice cake and energy protein bar for him.

She took that in his room and gave him plate to eat.

She turn back to open door but before that someone hold her hand and pull back.She hit on hard chest, she slowly look up to meet his eyes.They both were staring each other.

Kiyan lean his face near to her, they can feel each other breathes on their face.He move near her lips, there is an less than inch gap between their lips.

He move forward more and she turn her face to right , his kiss land on her soft pink cheek " I am your master, never try to disobey me with your actions or words"he whispered in her ears.

"I am not mistress"

" But you are slave" he step back and break wines bottled from rack, he keep breaking until the half floor was occupied with shattered glass.

" Come to your master"

She look with fear, is he asking her to walk on broken glasses.

"Don't make me repeat, Come here" he was standing on safe side where there are no glasses.