Save from yourself

He look at her, she stop struggling now,he put his finger inside her again, this amazed her, she is not lubricate from down.His heart pinch for no reason.

He put his length inside his pant and strode out.He call his mistress as he still had boner." No one can satisfy you like me" the women is same whom he was kissing in his office.

" Give me your back" she turn around and he took her from back side,while doing this his mind was still with Hazel, her burned bleeding back.

The women was making slutry sound, his body is on fire, when he released he groaned like wild animal" Get out of my room".

She sadly move out as she want more from him.He remind what happen in party, the way she shouts to save her innocence, her hope from him to save her.Her pain her cry ...everything affecting him.

He took a deep breathe and closed his eyes to sigh out.


Hazel was still in same position in which Kiyan left him.An inch if energy remaining inside her is drain out.She slowly slowly lost her sense and closed her eyes.

The day was full of humilation for her, never in her life she thought to have this day in her fate.


Hours passes, but Hazel didn't came out of her room. It is dinner time, Kiyan came and sat on dinning table.

Hazel absence can seen clearly" Sir, Hazel is still in her room, she is so irresponsible, she didn't came out to cook.It was me who cook today" a young maid try to seduce him by brainwashing again Hazel.

' She is still not came out' he wonder and went to check her inside the room.


Inside Hazel room

When he enter the room, Hazel was still in same position where he left her before.He ran to hold her in his arms and start tapping her cheeks" Hazel....Hazel....get revenge is not yet done...get up".

He notice the brutal mark on her white skin, red green,violet marks, slap marks on her face is still visible.He took one cloth from her clothes bag and dress her.

He look here and there and saw water cane, he rushed to get water but there was no water inside.

He look the room, but there was nothing inside, he went in bathroom and get water and splash on her face.He keeps tapping her face and slowly she open her eyes.

She saw handsome face of him in blur vision, slowly her vision get cleared" Nooooo....stay away from beast" she move back on her butt with support of her palm.

" Stay away from me....just....stay.....away....." she stretch the words atlast, her pride, her innocence, her dream for first time everything broken by him today.

She covered herself with sheet again, and turn her face to side way to avoid looking at him.

" This is just a beginning Hazel, I will kill you multiples time before your death." his cold voice rang in her ears.

" I hate you...Kiyan.....I ...hate you..." she stood up and ran toward window to jump and commit suicide.

Kiyan ran after her and caught her arm to pulled her back." Leave...just leave...." she struggle to free her arm from him, but his grip to tight for her.

" You...bastrd, I want to die, I don't want to leave..I want to die"she starts hitting him with her small fist on his chest, she look likes lost, she fight to free herself.

" SHUT UP, What do you think, that I love tou even I hate you ,your family." he shout and shake her holding her arms , she froze with his voice" I don't want to leave here,its humilating for me...You can torture me whole day, I obeyed, but what you did? You actually left me in middle of hungry you know the pain, the humilation I went through"

" You saved me so can you use me for yourself, how brutally you did.... animal" she lowered her head and start crying.

Kiyan was just looking at her crying face" I am not as strong as you....I am weak...innocent sensitive girl...I can't live with humilation"

She hug Kiyan , she need a shoulder right now, he is the one who gave her pain, but now only he is the one who can save her.

Kiyan never thought in his dream, that Hazel will hug her.His hand are in mid air,thinking whether to hug her back or not.

" Free me....please...Save me Kiyan from yourself"she said softly hugging him.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breathe and release her by gritting his teeth, and walk.

But she ran behind him and hold his arm" Master please please please"

He jerk her hand" If you try to commit suicide than remember,your brother and mother will live the life more miserable than you, I will skin them alive and make them stand whole day in sun" he warned and move out of the room leaving her behind again.

He went to his room, ran his hand in his hair.The image of her flashing his mind, the way she hug her soft body to him." No..I can't fall for her trap, she is just seducing me.I will take the revenge of her father.