First Initiative

While Hazel was thinking about him, Kiyan was busy with his meeting in conference room for his new project.

After meeting was over, he went with his assitant inside his cabin discussing about the new project.On the table a parcel was kept in his name, and confidential was written on it.

" Who send this?" Kiyan raised his eyebrow.

" No idea boss, sender is well hidden"

Kiyan open the parcel, he found a pendrive inside it.He attach pendrive to his laptop and click on option 'play'

A video footage from hidden camera play on his screen with audio a women is crying hugging a man who is in towel "I was looking for you, where were you.You don't know how much I missed you each day.Finally now we are together".

When Kiyan listen to these word his calm beast rose again, his clench his fist, there is raging fire in his eyes.The man and woman sat on bed, and they hug each other.This time sound got mute.

The man offer his shirt to women and she change inside bathroom wearing his shirt.After ward the whole lights got shut off

In next footage the camera got blur to see the clear faces, the women and man is making out inside the room. Only outline are visible, and moaning sound of them.Where women is calling 'Shawez' and man is calling 'Hazel'.

That's it. he lost control after looking at the footage" Handle the rest of the day" He took his coat and left to mansion.


He enter the mansion with hurry step, butler wish him" Where is she?"

" She is in her room"

He walk big strides in his room ,and she was standing in balcony. He hold her arms jerk" Ahhh....What are you doing" she tried to free her arm ,but he threw her on bed and hover her.

In just one jerk, he tore her dress and upper garment too revealing her twin peaches and bite it with teeth as much as he can.

She wail in pain, this is the very first time he is very harsh, otherwise he was never bite her with full force.He kiss less and bite more to her giving her teeth marks on skin.

He tore her last piece of her inner garment in rage, in anger he got up to take screwdriver, she look at him with wide, what he will do with her with screwdriver. Will he kill her by stabbing or worst painful death, by inserting it inside her.

He took screwdriver and with all jerk he want to insert it inside her ,she shout aloud " No Kiyan..." with covering her face with both palm, and closed her legs in shock.She got panic when she saw him doing it.

After few second she realised there is no pain coming from his act, she slowly withdrew her hand only to see he is standing like statue, still having screwdriver. He threw the screwdriver and gave a loud sigh.

" Send them" he call and spoke just two words.

' What does it mean' send them'she wonder. Will he ask hid men to take pleasure from her body' she is in thought when door open and few men enter.

She immediately wrap her body with sheet," Like what you see in bed,she is highly experience in bedskill, she can even travel you to heaven and back.Enjoy as much as you can".

She nodded her head as no, tears falling like open dam" No....don't do me...please." Men start approaching her" Stay away from me" she shout but they keep stepping towards her.Few remove their tshirt.

She did something which is very unexpected from her, she ran holding bedsheet toward Kiyan and kissed him wrapping her hand around his neck.

His eyes are wide open with her act, he saw tears flowing down from eyes, eyelashes got moist with tears.

She kiss his lips nibbling it, sucking the lower lip " Do what ever you want to do with me, but don't share me with others, this is humilating, please don't share me" she kissed him again tangling her tongue with his.

" You want to punish me,right , than go ahead,who stops you, but not this.....( she hug him tightly) please not this" she wailed hugging him.

Kiyan gesture the men to leave, he lift her in bridal style and threw her on bed.