What happen in past?

He carry her to bed in his arms, and hover on her to press his lips aganist her, biting her harshly to bleed her lips.

The room was filled with heavy cries and woman painful voice.

He made love to her in pain ful way, multìple time sowing his seeds inside her without giving a second thought of germination.

Later, after making love to her he went to bathroom to clean himself, she remain to bed, thinking what her father had done to him, that made him beast.

She is aware of the torture her father Roy had given to him but not all, today she saw him holding back for her.He can insert screw driver inside her, or threw her between men but he did not.

Why her father made him slave for five years.? With all the thought in mind she slept as she tired with hot session now.She don't know when sleep comes to her.

Kiyan came out of bathroo. wrapping towel on his lower body, he saw her sleeping peacefully, he sat on the corner of the bed and tuck her hairs behind her ears, the dried blood on corner of her lips is visible, and some area of her body is still bleeding a little.

Her body was covered with brutal marks, he brought first aid box, pour some antiseptic liquid to clean her wound gently to make sure she didn't woke up.

He clean her most initimate area with wet wipes and apply ointment on her area.He look at her, the girl is in her deep sleep.He slept next to her with distance.


In Another room.

" What, are you sure, he did nothing to her?" a women on phone ask the caller.

"What I notice, she is in his room..." the caller answered.

" How is this possible, did you hand the pen drive to him" the women asked with lines on her forehead.

" I am very professional madam I don't leave any loopholes in my work.My work is finest, Isn't the reason you hired me?" the caller spoke.

" Shut up,just shut up...." she cut the call and threw her phone in anger, she cluth her hairs with both hands.

" How can he did nothing to her after looking at the footage?" she talk to herself " I ,myself had to do something, to seperate them".

The women is none other than Rosia


Next morning Hazel woke up alone in room, feeling tired, last night she didn't stop or struggle to free herself, as for first time she saw he is holding back for her.

She got up to take bath and decide to talk with maid ' what exactly her father did to him?'.

After bathing she went down to eat breakfast.The breakfast is already present on table, but she ignore and walk straight in kitchen to talk with maid.

" Good morning, madam" Hazel politely wish her.

" Good morning, I work as a butler here" she corrected her.

" I don't know, how to call you"

" Call me Aunt"

" Aunt, can you tell me what exactly my father did to master"she came staright to point without wasting time.

" I am sorry I am not the correct person to tell"

" Please, atleast little bit, I want to know, just little information, why my father made him slave"

She sigh"Well, You might not like what I will say , but your father was the most worst creature I ever saw in my life. He not only made his family slave but us also"

" What....I mean you all are worker not family"

" Yes, but when his men came, they took each member present in house. He whipped us, there are still stroke marks on our body,He sent his guard to take pleasure on women" Her eyes flow when she told this.

"They send us tortilla and few onion to eat,sometimes rot food...( she wipe the tear on her cheek) The made us work whole day, but in return we just get whipped."

" If we help some one from our own people, you father ask two to three men to use women body, not inside room but openly to let other see, and if man make mistake, they starve him for two days without water. There are lot more in it , but enough for now"

Hazel knew this , her father torture slave alot, but not this part, This is the reason why her father not allow to see that part of palace.She nodded and left kitchen.

Whole day she was busy in thinking why her father made him slave, what he did.Why his family and servant along with him.