Lunch together

Hazel rub her eyes to wake up in new environment.She saw unfamiliar room and sat on bed by supporting her body with both palms on bed. She look at her change clothes, wonder how her clothes got changed.

" You awake" A mesmering voice rang her ears drums.

" changed my clothes, without my..."

He got up from coach and sat on the edge of bed" I don't have a choice, you drown drunk in hot spring and I came to pull you up from water. As far as permission, I switch off the lights while changing your clothes, though, I have have saw every inch of your body, feel it, kissed and suck it.You flesh is like jelly to me, when I nibble it." he lean to her face seductively.

She felt atmostphere rising, she is getting flashes of hot moment when they are sharing bed together back in past.

She gulp down looking at him and avert her sight.Her thoart got dry suddenly." I need to go back to my room" she got down to change her clothes and went back to her room.

After breakfast, the staff members are going back to buses, as trip is over, now time to return back to daily routine.


At home, Kiara and Daniel is waiting for Hazel, as soon as she entered Daniel ran to hug her legs.She pick up him and shower kisses on his face.

" I miss you mom"

" I miss you too son"

" How was the trip.? Is everything fine between you and him?"Kiara ask with worry painted on her face.

" He was behaving normal, but I confront him. He said he want me back in his life."

" Insane, listen just don't fall for his trap again.We will find a way soon to go away from him"

" Till when Kiara? He will find us sooner or later like now. I can't run my whole life from him.I will face whatever will come in way.I decided to stay rather than running"

" We are with you" Kiara put her palm on her hand and squeeze.

" I know , all the time you and Shawez was with me. I don't know what I have do without you two beside me"

"I'll give hard spank on your ass if you thank us again.Friends are not just for fun and party, they are for difficult times also" They hug each other.


Next morning.

In office every staff still miss their weekend trip.Isn't it fun to enjoy expensive place free of cost.

When they sat on their desk for work, after login In they found Jennifer email. It warn the staff- about not to spread rumors of CEO as he already had a women in his life.

Hazel put her hand on side of her head.She don't know what he is up to.She had a feeling the women he mentioned is herself.Till now he never ask her how did she survive after jumping to her death. Why, isn't he curious to know how she survive and came in England.

Or He know everything about her.He came England after completing his homework on subject' Hazel'. If he know how she survive, than he must be aware offff....No no no..

This is not possible.

If he know, he must have confront her ...she is overthinking.She close the email and get back to her work.


At lunch time Hazel is still busy with her work.She got call on her cell, without looking the number she receive the call.

" In my cabin , now" a cold voice rang in her ears drums.

She look at the phone, though she didn't have his number but she can recognize his voice.She look here and there to see is any one near to her but no one is near to her.

" What you need?"she ask.

" You"

" I mean which work?"

" To make love with you" he replied boldly.

" Find another women"

" Eitheir you come or I come there, you have two minutes to decide"he cut the call.

Knowing him, she know he can come here.She don't any any drama or unnescary attention, she took pen with her as self defence and walk inside the cabin.After knocking, her sight witness a mesmering figure.

A tall fair handsome man with folded sleeve till elbow, starting two button undone. He wore a sleek glasses black frame specs to add more beauty on it.

" You called me"

" Work is important but not more than health. Go to the room and wait for me, We are having lunch together"

She look at him with confuse face" What do you want me to carry you and make love like I said on phone.If yes than I don't mind"he smrik.

She ran to the rest room attach within his cabin. The rest room is having king size bed with wardrobe, dinning area and small kitchen.

She sat on chair and wait for him.Not taking longer time he came inside the room with food package in his hand.He serve the food and gesture her to eat.

" Next time don't starve yourself" he gave her veggies and meat to eat.