She has a son

The lunch was quite, she ate the lunch and left for work.Kiyan was decent with her while lunch.

She look little tired" You take nap still lunch time is not over"

" Its okay I am fine"

" That I can see how much fine you look. I will wake you up when time is over take a nap."

She need rest, without any further argument she laid on bed for short sleep.Kiyan put on tbe curtain to prevent sunlight coming inside the room.The room is dark.

When she woke up, the room is still dark, she look the in mobile phone beside her, and sat up immediately in hurry" Why you didn't woke me up?" there is worry in her voice.

"I tried but you are damn tire to woke up."

"" she remove the quilt ,switch on the lights, did her touch up, tidy up her hair, took her purse" Thank you for lunch" she step out of the room in hurry.

Kiyan grew suspicious why she is in such a hurry.Where she is going.

After work, as usual she went to pick her son up from kindergarden. She keep his son busy as no one is there to take care of him while she is away.Today she is late because od certain someone didn't woke her up on time.

She is worried what her son is doing.She is late to pick him up.

At morning Daniel is having school, but if parents want they can pay extra for extra curricular activities.

" Mommmmmmy" he ran to hug her mother.

She kisses him on cheek."My hero, how was the day? I am soo sorry love ,Mamma is late today."

" Goooood, today teacher gave me star for best performance in test. And its okay mommy."

"Than you must get a reward for that" Shawez came from behind and heard mother and son conversation.

" are you"

" I am good champ and you"

" All fine with us"

He look at Hazel and nodded her as hello.

" So its you" A pair of cheetah eyes glare them.

They look back and saw Kiyan standing with both the hand tuck inside the pocket.Hazel got panick looking at him.She immediately pick her son up in her embrace.

Kiyan walk toward her,she immediately pick the planter cutter from near by tree and point to Kiyan " Don't step ahead even a little..stay away from me." she took many step back.

" Hazel just listen to me"

" No, I don't want to listen anytjing...just stay away....why did you come here..."

He walk towards her" Come down Hazel...I need to know who..."

" Shut up and go away.....I kill you if you come near me even a baby step" she warn him with teary eyes.

" Uncle...please stay away from my mommy.She is afraid of you.Shawez uncle will you help us to go back home.I will take care and protect my mother once I grow up"

Without saying a word, Shawez took Daniel in his arms and out one hand Hazel's shoulder and walk.Kiyan could only watch their retreating back.They look like family of three.

He came to see where is she going in hurry. He want to see himself the reason of it.He follow her without her notice, or she didn't pay heed because her mind is somewhere else.

The cab driver drop Hazel at school.He wonder why she came here and got surprise to see a child running towards her and call her mother.

He want to know the truth of the child.Is she married? With whom she got married.? Who is her husband?Damn he need to find answers to all his question.

He call Cane " Investigate everything about Hazel.She had a child,find out every single detail." he cut without waiting for him to reply.

Who dare to touch what is his?