
Kiyan's Mansion

Kiyan mind is disturb with Hazel's thought.He drank two bottle but still can't divert his mind.His wait is over with ring of his phone.

"Who is that bastard dare to marry her, and where is he?"

" Boss, her information is very confedential ,it seems like someone purposely hide her all the details.My men can't find single info about her" he apologetic.

Kiyan cut the call, he knew Cane's men are capable to dig information accurately with no error, if this time they fail means someone cleared her information.

He can't wait more, he gulp the last till last drop and strode out of the mansion driving the car to her apartment in rage.


Hazel made her son to sleep and she is busy in preparing items for breakfast and tiffin for her son.She grate coconut to squeeze milk, chopped the require item to store in air tight container.

She reheat the milk so it won't spoil.

Finally when her morning preparation was done, she is cleaning kitchen platform, when she heard the door bell ringing continously.

She ran fast to look who is that mannerless person, she open the door and Kiyan hold her both shoulder and push her till her back touch the wall.

His hairs was messy, shirt buttons are undone the eyes are red and full in anger, his mouth are clench like he pressed his upper and lower jaw both in anger.

" Who's child, who is the father of the child?"

She knew,this question will surely come in her way soon, but this sooner ,not expected.She has only Daniel with her, all her family are killed. The only family she has is Daniel...no she can't afford to lose him or make him slave.

" I am asking you something, god dammit answer me" he shake her shoulder.

" He is mine and my husband's child ofcourse"

" Husband?"he frown

" Yes, my husband, but unfortunately he is dead when Daniel is just baby.Now if you are done interogatting me, leave my house"

" I want to see Daniel"

" No, you can't,he is sleeping.Leave my house"

He left her shoulder, and look at her house. Its small, square feet of entire room is small compare to his bathroom. She had very limited furniture with few modern gadget in daily need.

" Will you leave my house?"she snap him out of his thought. He left the house.

Hazel shut the door ,gave a huge sigh and start crying. Only she knows how difficult for her to be strong infront of him. It took everything inside her to remain calm and strong.She wipe tear and went back to sleep beside his son.


At night Hazel eyes woke with loud thunderstroms sound. She look at the window its raining heavily. She got to close the net window, when her sight caught a figure standing in rain looking at her window.

She look at him, he is shivering from cold,but she ignore him and close the window to get back to sleep, thinking be will be gone after few minutes.

She keep twisting and turning but can't have sleep. ' What if he is still here?' She got up to peep through window, he is still there shivering in rain and looking at her window.

She took dry towel and wind shelter, and threw out of the window, but he didn't use it.Well its his choice, she drank water and focus on sleep.

She put quilt on her son and patt him thinking about future how to deal with such powerful man.

Once she did, and result is in front of her, how again she will escape.Will he allow her to escape this time.He must have done some hidden arrangement on her, she need to be careful.This time its not about herself but her son and friend who stand boldly with her aganist him.

It take alot of courage to fight aganist powerful man who has many people around him working.He can even pass law in the country if he want for his bussiness, many minister are working for him.People like her are just an ant whom he can crush easily.

Well even she is not an ordinary women,her father was also high rank bussinessen but after kiyan killed her father she lost everything.

Few minutes later, she is still not able to sleep.She again look at window, his condition is looking worse.She immediately took umbrella and went down to him.

Kiyan saw a delicate figure coming to him.She came near to him and shield him with her umbrella.The rain falling from the sides of umbrella, the sound of falling rain on the ground.Sound of thunder, wind is blowing.

The weather is perfect for lover to kiss or to have dance in rain, but here both are looking in each others eyes, to find the answer to their hidden question ' WHY'?.

' Why did you do that Hazel?'

' Why you are doing this Kiyan'?