Comeback of Storm

Weeks pass by and life between certain two is going well. Hazel is maintaining distance between two , while Kiyan try to capture some moments between two in a day.

There happy go life will once again get disturb with entry of a women in Fashion in You, stepping down from car in high heel, with beige mini skirt and coat, with a black inner tshirt inside wearing a black glasses.

She entered the company, with a royalty look on her face.She welcome herself invitedly in Kiyan's office."Hello handsome".

Kiyan look at the voice and smile " Hello Rosia, Have a seat".She sat on chair with crossed legs.

" I heard you purchased this company, I came here for help, I hope you won't say 'No' to me"

" Its depend what help you need. If I can do I will help you"

" You know my interest is in Fashion indusrties. I like designing but Dad he never allowed me to do that as I am only child to look after the bussiness.When I heard about the news of you buying the industries, gave me hope.I want to work here, to show my skill in designing. So in future I can convience my Dad regarding this"

" You have skill Rosia, why don't you open a separate industry and tie with your father's company as a sponcer"

" You know my Dad, he won't agree"

"Okay, I'll talk to Jennifer , she will call you"

" Thank you. I knew you won't deny me"she smile hiding her evil intention.She left politely.

When she walk out she look at Hazel, her blood boils after looking at her, if she could kill her now itself, Hazel would lie down in many pieces in pool of blood.

She walk on high heel, and intentionally hit her shoulder to Hazel's shoulder making her falling down on butt.Hazel is busy looking at her files in her hand, she didn't know her biggest enemy is here once again to destroy her life.

Rosia walked out with grace and pride on her face without turning back.One of her friend help her to get up on knees" Are you ok?"

" Yeah I am fine, Thanks for help." she collect the paper but her sight fix on the women's back who push her and walk without apology.

Rosia smile in satification, she want to push her on ground everytime, she belongs to earth not the sky.


Next day.

Rosia came in office as position of designer.Hazel is shocked to see her but Rosia smile walking towards her" Hi..Its good to see you are not dead".

" How are you Rosia" she smile back at her.

" All good. I always had my interest in designing, but my father never allow me to leave family bussiness, when I heard Kiyan bought this company, I thought its a great opporunity to prove myself infront of my father" she laugh like she didn't hold any past grudges.

" Good to hear, hope you proved yourself, All the best"

" Thank you, Lets resume to our work" she waved good bye and sat on her seat.

After few hours Kiyan called Hazel in his cabin.

She knock the door and enter the office.

" Have a seat here" he slight push his own chair, Hazel sat on the chair infront of the table across him.

"I asked you to sit here" he patted his thighs.

" Its not correct for me CEO,I am fine here"

"Ok than ,I'll come to you." he is about you get up " Okay fine, I am coming,I am coming" she got little irrated with his stubborness.

She sat on his lap, he wrap his arms around her waist, and lean his face inside her nape." You smell so good. I want to rub all my skin with your skin." He seductively said her, circling his finger on her waist.She clenched her fist tight to stop herself making any voice.

" You" she moan when he sucked her sweet neck.

" Ahh...please.. understand...we...can't"

He stop his action"Why we can't. Company is mine,Cabin is mine, You are mine" he raised his one eyebrow, with his lips close to her lips.

" Kiyan...You called me?" she repeat herself.

" Hmm...there's an good opporunity for you.A very famous renowned film director apporach our company for designing costumes for leads, he is making a film on history. I want you to go there and talk with him.Do you best"

" Thank you.It is a big break.I will try my level best"

" If you need any help, remember me" he kissed her shoulder.

" Yeah sure" she get up and exit.