New Opportunity New task

Hazel is all set for her new work, she want to give her best for the work assing to her.It will be the great opporunity for her as well as for company to show skills.

She arrived on production house to meet director of the movie William Walts, he is very popular and renowned director in Hollywood.Its a dream of every star to work with him.

She enter the production house " Hello I am Hazel Black, I have an appointment with Mr.Walt"she inform receptionist.

" Welcome madam, do you have letter with you?" she ask.

" Yeah" she remove an envelope from her purse to give her.The receptionist read the letter and smile" Give a minute,let me inform director about it" She called the director to inform about Hazel.

" Madam, Director is waiting for you."

Hazel walk to his cabin in top floor of production house, she knock the door, enter after she got reply from inside.

" Good morning Sir, I am Hazel Black"

" Yeah ofcourse Ms.Black, I know its you, please have a seat"

She sat" Its a great opporunity for me to work you,I will do my best to match your demand."

He laugh"Indeed, After all Mr.Knight prasied your work, that I want you to design costumes for my lead."

She smile inward, Kiyan praised her.

"Ms.Black as you know the film is based on fantasy history, I need you design the costumes for my lead just like my imagination.Its really hard to takeout something from mind and put it in reality.But I hope you will not dissappoinment me"

" Yeah Sure, I will. What kind of design contumes you have in your mind"

"Well ,I describe you character, and about kingdom first.You think and prepare some sketches according to it.My female lead is very sensible princess....." he gave the detail about the female lead and kingdom to have Hazel an idea about her dresses.

" I got it Sir, I will give you sketch as early as possible." she smile.

" Thank you pretty lady" they shake hands and good bye each other.


Hazel start working on her sketch, she gave detail about meeting with director to Kiyan in brief.

Its a really challenging work she face till now, but she knew she will come up with the best of her creativity.She did research on internet for some ideas and look.

After four hours of hardwork she finally came up with one design, when she look at back she saw many paper ball lying on floor, the design she reject.She sigh looking at those, it late night, she clean the room, and went back to sleep.