Who is the attacker?

Hazel looks at him and smiles sadly, she is worried about Kiara, how she is going to face her, she was attacked by mistake. The original prey was her.

He squeezed her hand, and meanwhile Shawez asked his men to catch the person who attacked her.

After a few hours, the doctor came out of the operation theatre and removed his mask from mouth. They immediately gathered near him to ask about her " She is fine now, there was a major injury on head as the attacker hit hard on her head. Thankfully she came to hospital before the blood flew out of her body completely or else it will be difficult for us to save her."

" How is her condition right now?" Shawez asked.

" She is out of danger now and she needs rest"

There was relief after hearing from the doctor,

"Hazel let's go back home, you need rest and Daniel too" Shawez asked Hazel to leave as she needed rest from this trauma. It's not good for Daniel to be in the hospital for long. The little head watches a lot today according to his age.

She didn't want to go home until Kiara got up, but looking at his son, she has to move out of hospital. Kiyan took Hazel and Daniel with him.

Inside the car, between the journey Daniel fell asleep in his mother's arm. There was silence in the car, as no one was in the mood to speak. Hazel is upset for Kiara, while for Kiyan, it's first birthday for him to be celebrated with his son was ruined by someone, and that someone wants to kill his women. He doesn't know why his inner voice is telling him this attack was done by Rosia again.

Till the investigation is not complete he can't be sure, who know there is another person , may be Stanley. Or than this two, no one hates Hazel to her death.

Hazel notice that Kiyan is taking another. route, which is not toward her home" Where are we going Kiyan?" she asked softly.

" To my mansion, from tonight you and Daniel will be leaving there. As the attack happen Inside your home. It's not safe anymore for you and Daniel"

She nodded , Yes, the house is no more safe for her and Daniel.

They reach the Villa and Kiyan show her room and went out. Hazel put her son down and look at the room, this is Kiyan's room for sure.She went inside the wash room to get fresh, when she came out she saw a pair of night dress was on the bed. and Kiyan is on the bed with his wet hair and a faint fragrance of citrus shower gel is reeking from him.

" You will be in this room, I am sure such a huge villa won't be lacking other vacant room"

" Other room are guest room, only this one is bedroom" he replied casually.

" We can shift to gue..."

" Guest room are for guest not for me, and my wife and son"

' Wife.. when did we got married' she thought.

Kiyan shift Daniel to other side and slept in middle space leaving the side space for her. With no option, she moved on the space left and slept in his arms.