Planning for marriage

In the morning, the attacker was confirmed, she was Rosia, as expected by Kiyan. He didn't tell Hazel,as the sight in front of him is mesmerizing. She was sitting on the swing, swinging slowly.

He walks to her and gives her a little push from the back side. She looks behind him , and smiles.

" How are you, love" he asked

" I am good, come sit here" she patted the place next to her and shifted a little as the swing is large enough for two. He sat next to her, putting his arms around her shoulder. She rests her head on his shoulder.

" I love you Kiyan" she said suddenly as no one can trust the life span, anything can happen any time. She wants to express her love to him.

Instead of replying to her, he looked at her with a frown. He understood why she expressed it so suddenly. " I am there to protect you " He started kissing her, a kiss is to assure her, that he once lost her and can't afford to lose her now and can go to any extent to protect his family.

He put his hand on her nape and brought her close to him, there are butterflies flying inside her stomach whenever he kissed her. The kiss slowly started to deepen, when he swirl his tongue inside her mouth.

With his kiss, Hazel got at ease and forgot the stress she was taking before, she wrapped her arms around his neck and started moving fingers in his hairs, playing with his hair and clutching in between.

Kiyan with one thumb on his hand ,started making a small circle on her neck to make her feel more pleasure as neck is her weak spot.

Hazel opened her mouth a little wide to let her mouth explore to his heart. They can feel each other's warm breaths on their skin.

Kiyan got horny, he couldn't wait to rip her dress to take her in the garden, but there is a camera everywhere, he can't let other men watch her women without clothes.

The kiss is getting bold and sensational but a voice broke the kiss" Mommy, why are you kissing him?"

They immediately separate their lip from each other and look at him, the little human appears in front of them, Hazel wishes the ground to bury her now, as her child witnesses her Kissing.

" We got married, son" Kiyan replied, anyway today or tomorrow he will be marrying her.

Daniel was happy to listen, he always wanted Kiyan to be his father. But starts crying loudly after a second.

" Why are you crying, son, don't you want me as your father?" he squatted down to his height.

" When you both got married, why didn't you invite me to your wedding." he started wiping his tears with his hand.

" Son, the wedding happen at last night, you were sleeping" another lie from him, when did he became a good liar.

Daniel though for a second " Every one is getting married during day time, why did you married at night?"

" It was an urgent marriage, we didn't have the time to set up for a wedding, so we just registered our marriage, but if you want we will be marrying one more time for you " he shrug.

" Congratulations for your wedding, and yes I want to witness my mommy's marriage " he gave a hi fi to him and ran inside the mansion.

" Why did you lie to him?" she crossed her hand.

" Our son witnessed kissing us, and this intimation legally happened only between married people, do you want him to know we kissed without getting married, at such young age ,do you think that it will have a good affect on his mind"

She nodded, for a. child everything is pure. She is ready to marry him in the near future.