
Early evening the next day, Esme stood before her mate, her jaw going slack from how impossibly handsome he looked. With his hair slicked back and wearing one of his 'better' suits, he looked like he had just waltzed off from the red carpet. If Esme wasn't nearly drooling herself, she would growl at the onlookers passing by who ogled at him for too long. Gabriel clearly outshone anyone in the car park or nearby. 

Gabriel brushed her cheek, staring at her for a moment, silencing the noise of onlookers around them to a deadly hush that did not bother them in the slightest. The Vampire King took Esme in his arms and kissed her ravenously in front of all the vampires scattered around them, accompanying him as guards. Esme sighed and wiped his lips gently, brushing off her light pink lipstick, beaming up at her mate whose lips quirked up and eyes softened further.