Kaito opened up his raise undead ability to see what had changed when the ability leveled up-
Raise Undead Lvl.3 (becomes stronger with intelligence) ﹀
Cost: 25 Mana to create 1 undead
Current limit: 3 undead
'Oh the limit increased, that's great'
He was out of mana, and his hp didn't look very good either.
'Let's go look for a place to rest' Kaito thought while moving out of the deeper parts of the forest, and to a place he felt more comfortable being in.
He sat down, leaning his back against a tree, his skeleton followed suit, and also sat down and "rested"
Kaito could see his health and mana points slowly fill up, it would take a while but it was faster than normal
'That's probably the effect of the well rested bonus i got from sleeping at the inn' Kaito nodded slowly
Kaito looked up towards the sky, the time was around midday, he had started playing pretty early in the morning.
He closed his eyes and leaned back against the tree, he could hear the wind rustling the leafs of the trees. The birds chirping their songs, this part of the forest was full of life.
As Kaito was listening to the forest he was interrupted by a notification-
〈Mana full!〉
Kaito looked at his health
Health: 76/120
He shrugged, it would fill up as he walked back in the forest.
He reached out his hand. Purple mist engulfing his whole arm, the effects had gotten stronger, he summoned his new skeleton.
〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 115 > 90〉
〚Insane's Undead Lvl.3 HP: 120/120〛
As Kaito saw the new skeleton stand next to his level 2 skeleton he saw slight differences, the new skeleton was a bit taller, and the bones were a bit thicker.
He imagined the new skeleton doing a backflip, it creaked as it bent it's knees low to the ground, then jump upwards with it's back arching, and this time, It actually landed on it's feet.
'The skeletons definitely get stronger all around as the ability levels up' Kaito thought while waving his arm, dismissing the old skeleton.
〈Insane's Undead Lvl.2 released! Receiving a 1/3 of the energy back. Mana 90 > 98〉
Kaito quickly raised two more skeletons-
〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 98 > 73〉
〚Insane's Undead Lvl.3 HP: 120/120〛
〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 73 > 48〉
〚Insane's Undead Lvl.3 HP: 120/120〛
Kaito looked at the three skeletons in front of him, each one of them holding a bony dagger, a smile spread across his face, he felt pretty confident now.
The skeletons in front of him looked at each other as if to inspect one another, Kaito shook his head and started walking deeper into the forest once more.
He felt confident that he could kill those adult wolfs now, as long as he didn't face more than one of them at a time.
Just like last time the trees became more dense and birds stopped chirping, silence replaced the forest sounds.
Kaito started sneaking and his skeletons did the same.
They wandered around for a couple of minutes before finding what they were looking for-
〚Adult Wolf Lvl.5 HP: 350/350〛
Kaito tried to move extra carefully, he wanted to make sure that the wolf was all alone.
After waiting for a couple of minutes he knew that there were no other wolfs in this area, only one.
Kaito's health had come back to full and he had regained all his mana while looking for the wolf.
'Let's do this' Kaito thought as he sent forward his skeletons.
He had though of a tactic this time, quite the simple tactic, split into two parts.
"time for part one" he whispered.
The wolf had stood ready with it's body low to the ground for a minute now, it already knew that it wasn't alone.
Suddenly it saw a skeleton appear from the bushes, the skeleton was slowly walking towards it.
The wolf focused it's gaze upon one of the skeletons and was ready to pounce. Suddenly the skeleton threw it's dagger towards the wolf, the wolf easily dodged it but felt pain course throughout it's body anyways.
The wolf had been hit by another dagger, and in the same instance a third dagger had hit the ground next to it.
Kaito had seen two possible ways for the wolf to dodge as the first skeleton had thrown it's dagger, so he made his other skeletons throw their daggers at those two spots.
The dagger that had hit the wolf started disappearing into dust, and as the wolf looked back to where it had seen the first skeleton he saw nobody, the enemy had disappeared. But now it knew that there were more opponents around it.
Then a skeleton appeared from behind the wolf, this time it wouldn't let the skeleton throw it's weapon, it quickly charged, being fully focused on the new enemy.
The sound of flesh tearing could be heard as the wolf felt pain at it's side, but it didn't even have the time to turn around before it felt another jolt of pain from the other side.
The two other skeletons had run their knifes along the body of the wolf as they ran past, they were much quicker now than last time and the wolf didn't have time to react as it was too focused on the first target.
The wolf was in such a disarray that it didn't react to the sharp blade moving through the air towards it.
The first skeleton had thrown it's knife when the wolf had gotten attacked by the other two skeletons and then ran back into the bushes.
The wolf was once more unaware of it's enemies movement and it's snarled and gnashed it's teeth. it was angry and infuriated.
Kaito could see a red aura start to glow from the wolf
〚Adult Wolf Lvl.5 (enraged) HP: 203/350〛
Kaito smiled as he whispered-
"Time for part two"
'If this wolf acts as the last one, it will stop thinking about it's own safety, and ignore pain while trying to kill the first target it sees' Kaito was nodding his head slowly, thinking.
The wolf gave a low growl as it was waiting for the enemy to show themselves.
A skeleton stepped forward and the wolf instantly rushed it, The skeleton stood still and held out it's arms as the wolf got closer.
The wolf leaped forward and bit down onto the skeleton-
And in response the skeleton hugged the wolf, the scene was morbid and weird if seen from an outside point of view.
The wolf attacked once more-
〈Insane's Undead Lvl.3 Defeated! Receiving a 1/3 of the energy back. Mana 115 > 115〉
The bony arms that were closed around the wolf was beginning to turn into dust, but this gave the other two skeletons enough time to rush forward and stab the wolf from behind.
As the wolf got free from the grasp of the withering skeleton bones and was able to turn around to attack it's assailants they were gone.
Kaito quickly summoned a new skeleton-
〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 115 > 90〉
〚Insane's Undead Lvl.3 HP: 120/120〛
Kaito looked at the injured wolf who giving of a weak growl as it looked around at the bushes around it.
〚Adult Wolf Lvl.5 (enraged) HP: 57/350〛
And as the wolf felt proud over defeating one of it's foes there could be seen a primal fear in it's eyes as it saw 3 skeletons run towards it, daggers raised high in the air.
It focused upon one of the enemies running towards it, the wolf would bring this skeletal being with them to the dead. But just as it was ready to counter-attack, the skeleton that the wolf was focused on stopped, right in front of it.
It felt the piercing pain as two dagger were driven into it from it's sides.
As the eyes of the wolf dimmed down and it's body slumped towards the ground it saw a glimpse of another being coming in to view.
From behind the skeleton that it had focused it's gaze on it saw a human with white hair and pale blue eyes, eyes that were almost animal. The wolf saw that these eyes held so much cunning and felt peace at being overpowered by such a being.
〈Killed Adult Wolf Lvl.5!〉
〈acquired 2 Wolf pelt〉
〈acquired 4 Wolf meat〉
〈Gained 100 Experience!〉
Kaito looked at the wolf that was disappearing into pixels of light on the ground.
'Had it looked at me just before dying? must be my imagination' Kaito thought as he looked at his level.
Level: 2 Experience: 571/600
He was so close to leveling up to level three, he felt happiness. Although it didn't show on his face.
He heard rattling behind him and as he turned around he could see his three skeletons dancing around merrily, they had their arms locked with one another and were dancing in a circle.
Kaito turned back, shaking his head, 'I have to get better at controlling my emotions'