Escape 1

In the middle of the night, ten adult men were running angrily in search of a lost child. The whole slave market and others around them were on alert as if a beast had been released from the cage and their lives depended on whether or not they find the missing child. If they found him and locked it in a hut in the middle of nowhere, then they would be calmer, but there was no time to wait, they should immediately find the child and give her a good lesson on all these problems that had caused.

"Sigh where the hell is she?"

The head of the slave market was furious, his men had neglected their work and the worst was, that they had chosen the worst time to make the worst mistake, the child they had lost was not normal and it was a full moon night. One night of all the nights when bloodthirsty beasts roam the woods waiting for someone to fall prey to their tempting cries.

Why the hell did I leave this bastard in charge of guarding her.

"It seems to me that I made it clear that you should open your eyes well when you are assigned to guard that damn monster. Who was I talking to when I assigned you the task? Ha? With the walls?"

His subordinate was sitting on his knees with a trembling voice and tears in his eyes, he knew that any mistake in the task assigned to him was unforgivable, and with what he had done his life wouldn't be spared. Yet he still hoped to gain his master's sympathy with his excuses.

"B..b..boss I didn't know that she would go out, we locked her in the usual place after work was over and none of us had noticed anything suspicious…"

"You are all a bunch of idiots, who can't guard a six-year-old child. You first, for your own good and that of all of us, go and find her and lock it in a safe place until things are calmed down. Then we'll put it back to work, as usual, did you understand me?"


The subordinate's eyes were wild open, how could a single man find a small child in the middle of darkness when ten people couldn't find her? And the worst thing was where it could be.

"Bo..os, but now the only place she can be is in the woods, how can I find her…"

"Incompetent, if you are so scared for your life that you can't go to the forest, I can make your death easier. Surely you were the one who left it out from the beginning so I don't see why I am still keeping you alive."

"Bb… o… s ?!"

"Get out!"

'Incompetent, do you think that you are irreplaceable, that idiot, goes and falls asleep at the time when he has to guard that damn monster, how can he sleep with her nearby? I should have fired him when I had the chance, then this wouldn't have happened.'

It is strange, it is so calm, for a monster that wanders in the dark. Then something bad will have happened.


It is very quiet. At first, it seemed to me that I was feeling terrible pain, but it was all over. They were just memories, the memories of this body that is already mine. The room where I am now is small and the only source of light is the moonlight that enters between the railings of the window behind me. Now everything is over and I can finally enjoy in peace, the light that comes from outside.

But I can't move, I am trying, but I can't take even one step, my mind is blank, my eyes are fixed on a black figure in front of me, he will not get up and move suddenly right?

My whole body starts to tremble, my heart is beating like crazy as if it will come out of my chest. I..I don't know why, but everything is over now, then what is this feeling, why am I still shaking, I'm sure this is not fear, then what is it ?! Without realizing it, my eyes were on my trembling hands.

These hands a few minutes ago were covered with whip wounds, but now they are not visible with blood on them. I think it's better that way, at least others will not ask me if it hurts or not, of course, they will be more than happy that they hurt me. The greater the pain the greater their satisfaction and the more they showed how anxious they were. Luckily my body started to move and the first thing I did was to go to the windows where the light was coming. The view beyond the windows was not something special, it seemed as if the earth and the sky were against each other, in the sky was the moon which was at its peak and was shining without any clouds around it. And on the ground was a black forest which seemed to be calling to swallow you all. That sight was really terrifying, I didn't want to go inside that forest.

'The question is how did I end up here once again?'

Ah yes, the guard had fallen asleep and I found a way out of the place where he usually locks me after a day of work. It seems to me that when I went to the market I was successful but a man came in front of me and then I lost consciousness and when I opened my eyes I found myself locked here.

Since it is so quiet, the hut should be empty, so it would be better to run away before someone comes to check.

I stepped out of the window and immediately went to the door, which surprisingly wasn't locked. As soon as I opened the door I felt a smell which pierced my nose. In front was a corridor and at the end of the corridor another door, probably the stifling smell coming from that room. The more I headed for the door, the stronger and more disgusting the smell became.

"This is the only way out, endure it, there is no other way."

As soon as I reached the end of the corridor I noticed that the door had no handles, I started looking for how to open it without them. And then, maybe from the smell, I started to look at the door just like a crack in the wall.

How the hell do you open this door ?! Will I have to go back ?! No, there is no way out, only this is the door to the outside, but how to open it? As long as there is no handle or padlock to hold the key, the only way to open it is to push it.

At first, I started tapping the door to see how thick the door was. From the noise, it seemed that the layer in front of me was thin and easier to push. As soon as I started to force the door to open, I heard small movements on the other side.

Are there people on the other side of the door ?! I thought that after opening the door I would be directly outside, do not tell me that on the other side is another room? Sigh why so much fatigue just to get out of this damn hut, I didn't even want to be here in the first place.

I angrily pushed the door and fortunately, the door moved and opened.


On the other side, it was as dark as it was in the room where I was initially locked. But this room showed no sign of any adult around, only children gathered in one corner and another crowd in one corner.

At least I found out where the smell was coming from, the other bunch of kids were dead kids thrown on top of each other. While the smell was strong, it showed only one thing, the children from below had begun to decompose from the long time they had spent there.

'How these children are breathing here, I just entered this room and the bad smell was making me vomit.'

"You, did you come from the other side of the wall?"

"How is it possible that she came on her own two feet?"

What are they saying, why did I come out with my own feet? Weren't they hoping that I would come out dead and thrown away like most kids in this room?

'No thank you very much yes I choose to live.'

When I realized I was still standing at the door, they started talking again.

"Where is the man who brought us here? What happened to him? Did you do anything to him?"

"Huh ?! No, I…"

"It doesn't matter now, he won't be back for a while right?"

" No!, I'm sure he will not come back even if he wants to."

"Oh much better"


"Some of us are locked up for who knows how long in this hut we didn't know what to do, since he is not going to come back, we will find a way out of here"

'What are they saying, the door is there why don't they open it?!'

"Okay, all of you gather and look for a way out"

'What is happening? Maybe the polluted air has damaged their mind?'