Escape 2

As soon as they all heard the word, they got up and started searching.

"Emm sorry but why not just use the door?"

One of them turned his head and looked as if he was trying to see where the question came from. After looking around he continued where he had left it and didn't answer.

Hey seriously, I asked a very simple question even though you don't know who asked, at least answer, one of you. Sigh... forget it if you are going to do something do it yourself.

I finally came out of the corner of the door where I was standing from the beginning when I entered the room and I was heading towards the door when…


'Who screamed? And why?'

Did he get up?!, Impossible, I made sure he didn't wake up anymore, but then why? Huh, wait why does the atmosphere suddenly change? Why is everyone looking at me weirdly?

I didn't have the courage to move even one step, their eyes frightened me because I feel that I have seen these eyes somewhere before, impossible this is the first time, the first time I have done this, do these looks look familiar from the way others have seen me since I arrived in this world?

No, these are stronger, they seem to be swallowing me, I have to get out of here, I have to get out immediately. I could hardly breathe, I need air, this isn't the smell of decomposed bodies, I can't stay any longer, I will die by any moment with this atmosphere that has been created in the room. While I was trying to gather myself, a girl came out of the group and went to the door where I had left a while ago.

'What is she doing? Where is she..? There is no way out there, if there was I would have used it myself.'

Later I would find out why she got in there.

There is nothing, there is nothing they are probably scared because my body is covered with wounds, and of course the blood gave another effect. It doesn't matter I don't know these children, after I go outside this door, nothing will change. I was about to take a few more steps toward the door when another child spoke.

"Hey, you are one of Rapha's people right?"

'Huh d..don't tell me?'

"Sh..she killed him!"

Everyone turned their heads from the wall door, the girl who went to the place where I was previously locked returned on one breath and went straight to the newly formed group of children.

"Fu, I..I saw the man who brought us here l..lying in the middle of the room, sob…sob there was blood everywhere, it was horrible, what did she do?" sob...sniff

Oh no, the looks became even stronger than before, they expressed disgust and fear. Why? They knew in advance that he was dead and were ok with that, why they are suddenly making it so dramatic. To think that everything started with the person who saw me walking towards the door and screamed. Since then their behavior has changed.

"That made it clear, you are definitely a Rapha."

'Again with this name.'

"Of course only a Rapha would do such a thing. Only they are able to kill someone and behave as if nothing happened, your thirst for blood is endless."

Others seem to give the right to the person who spoke even though they were not saying a word. They were giving him strength in silence.

"Look at her, she has silver hair with red thread and is covered in blood, everyone says that Rapha will attack anyone who comes in front of her just to see the blood flowing from their body."

"What are we going to do? We're going to die here, we're going to die here."

The children started running around the room in different directions. How should I deal with this pathetic display of their fear? Should I laugh, cry for forgiveness, calm down or just look with contempt at how vain these beings are.

At first, they were happy that they would go out, but as soon as they saw what hair color I had, the body of a tyrant hated by the whole world would become a saint.

Sigh the only crazy people here are you, I can no longer deal with these people, they make me vomit, I can't stand those people who change their mind in a split second just by the way you look, I didn't ask to look like this, even if they gave it to me I wouldn't accept to have silver hair with red thread. Why should I suffer for something I didn't do myself, why should I be despised for the disgusting things that someone else has done?

The children who were still running seemed to create a whirlpool so as not to be caught. Damn this luck! Anyway let me become a monster for a while, it will not be that bad to unleash the power that this look gives only for once. I held my breath and shouted loudly: "Hey do you think you are running like a rabid flock in this small space will help you with anything, if I want to I can catch each of you and kill with the greatest ease".

After that, everyone gathered in a group around each other, trembling in fear.

'Haha, I think I'm getting used to this.'

"One of you now tells me why no one is trying to open the door of the hut, what is outside, that no one dares to open?"


"What ?! Nobody knows why?"




'Ack these kids are getting on my nerves, I will not be here all day, I got tired of inhaling the scent of decomposed bodies, let me out!'

"I think this place will be really beautiful with a river of blood in the middle of the room how do you think?"

'Hmm, I see they are scared, but I still haven't got an answer to the question I asked.'

"You know how you look right now ?! Like dead bodies, but the only difference is that you are wasting that little precious air in this room."


"You are very close with each other right?"


"Hmm, it wouldn't be better to join your friends than? they should be very happy to welcome you, look at how they are placed on top of each other. Now I have another question since the first question you didn't answer. How you want to put you after you die, just like the others on top of each other or otherwise, tell me, I'm more than ready to fulfill your last wish, even though you did nothing to get this good offer I'm giving you. Do not look at me like that, still no answer? At least I am letting you choose, unlike someone else who threw you without asking you at all."


Are these children so scared that even the answers after all these threats can't be returned? Damn, I'm running out of ideas, what do I say next?

Ha... just go open the door and get out, it's so simple, these kids are weird, here they were locked up with no one around and they weren't looking for a way out after all this time, you think their minds is not damaged after all this asphyxiation.

I turned and walked slowly towards the door.

It's locked?, where should the key be?

I was looking around, it was dark, but I don't believe that he should have left the key in this room, no matter how much he mistreated these children, no one is so stupid as to let the prison key in front of the prisoner's nose. The only safe place will be with him. So now I will have to go and dig into his lifeless body?

'Yikes no, just the thought of it terrifies me.'


"Hey did you see that Rapha go to the other room? Isn't she a slave just like us?"

"I know I saw she had a collar on her neck, but it's different from ours."

"Maybe it comes from another place other than our market.

"It would be better to run away before she comes back, but the door is…"

"I believe you enjoyed the time you had to talk, but now tell me what is behind that door?"