Miko's story 1

Miko didn't say a word. When the moon rose in the sky, he stopped and decided that we should stay in front of another village, without entering it. If we were to go there, we would spend a lot of time finding a place to hide, so this place is better, away from people.

I would like to eat a little, but I didn't dare to take it. Miko had collected these for Mr. Oscar, so I do not know how he would react if I ate them. It's really weird, I never thought the day would come when I would run away with someone else. From the beginning when I woke up in this world and until now, I have always run alone to escape people who call me a monster.

Now that he does not say a word, he seems calmer. Now that I think about it so far I have not paid much attention to his appearance. Physically he must be two or three years older than me. His skin is light in color but quite dirty.

Of course, mine is no different from his, I even have blood that has dried on my hands and I have not been able to remove it from the lack of water, so I shouldn't speak badly. Hmm, I think his eyes should have been blue like the color of the sky on a sunny day, but now in the dark, they looked like navy blue and his hair is short and red now they had got a winy color. I think it's beautiful.

Huh ?! What am I saying, Raeliana did you lose your mind? It would be better to look elsewhere before he catches me staring.

"Haa is calm. It reminds me of the first time I met Mr. Oscar."


"I was an abandoned child, no one wanted to have anything to do with me. And he found me and told me how to survive on the streets. I found someone that accepted me and loved me…"

Oh, why did he stop? I thought he would tell me more about his friendship with Mr. Oscar.

"Your name is Raeliana right?"

"Uh-huh? Oh yes my name is Raeliana." (Mr. Oscar must have told him)

"Do you think Mr. Oscar will be up there, one of those stars in the sky?"

So he was looking at the stars from the moment we sat down to rest. He seemed to care for him as a family. To say that someone who dies becomes a star in the sky that looks down on us and protects us in the moments we need is a beautiful thing, when I was little I also believed that my mom became a star after she died. But I have passed death myself and I no longer believe that this is possible.

"If he becomes a star in the sky, then he will always be with us at all times. But that is a lonely life up there."

"In fact, I think that when his soul leaves, he will be reborn again. And of course, he will live another life with new people. It would make him happier than staying all the time in the sky or heaven, with memories of the past and to see others living their happy lives, different from him"


Did I go too far? Haa Raeliana did you forget that you are talking to a child who has just lost a loved one? It would be better to say that he became a star in the sky. Your opinion always hurts others.

"I think you're right"

"Huh? No, I mean, am I right?"

"Mr. Oscar would be happier if he lived a new life, without any pain from the past."


"At first I thought that if someone dies they become a star in the sky is a childish thought right?"

"Everyone has the right to believe what they want, and death itself is painful."

"I know! Have you ever lost a loved one?"

"Yes! My parents!"

Two times in fact. My mom died when I was little and my dad had an accident on a business trip when I was 20 years old.

"Your parents died and what happened, how did you end up as a slave?"

"Haa… when I was born, I took the life of my mother… while my father had died before I was born."


"No one would want someone who took the life of her mother from the first moment she was born and after they saw me, my mother's relatives abandoned me in the forest, the only memories I have are from the slave market, I lived there until the moment I escaped. "

I am not lying, this story is true, from the moment I opened my eyes to this world I was called a monster, the memories of this body appear to me from the first moment I came here. At first, I felt bad for 'my mom' and the behavior of my relatives annoyed me, and I thought that for the time being, nobles and commoners despised children when their moms died during childbirth, but when I found out it was all because of the color of my hair and eyes. I was disgusted.

"Have you ever thought that that is like your home?"


"No, I didn't mean something bad with that, like you have a place there or something like that. Some just don't want to leave just because they think they are accepted there. And to be abandoned as soon as you were born on the market you must have felt at home. Right?"

"Haha, home…"

Even if they killed me again I would never think of that place as home.

"Home is a place where there are people who love and love you. A place where you are not required to work to live, a place where you are not beaten to death after making a mistake. You can call it a place of love and knowledge, to prepare you with everything you need for the new life you will live outside of it. A place like a slave market can't be called a home."

"I know you're right, but I still have a question… how do you know all this, when you have never had a family."

Damn! I can't say that I have memories of the life I lived before and know what it means. And most importantly, when did he become so friendly with me?

"Uhmm I just thought the opposite of the experience I had in the market, nothing more."

"Is that so?"


I have to make a smile for him to trust me. Just believe and let's close this chat. Oh, I found it, the only way to avoid one topic is by opening another topic.

"How did you end up here? You said that before you met Mr. Oscar you didn't know how to survive on the streets. This means that before living on the streets you must have had a family. What happened to them?"


Oh come on, you can ask and I have no right to ask? It's a little unfair if you think about it. You will not talk? Ok. It's nice to see the stars in the open air and also the mud in my hair is dry, so it would be nice to cover them again.

"T..two years ago I had a family."

"..? (Are you talking now? Seriously)"

"I lived with my parents and my little brother in a remote village in the mountains. Spring and autumn were difficult seasons because of the rains. Summer was the season when all the inhabitants gathered and worked to have all the necessary things. But winter was always the hardest season, because of the altitude there was always a snowstorm. One night, my mom was out in a snowstorm while visiting our relatives. My little brother and I were left alone at home that night waiting for some sign of our parents coming home. The next day after the storm was calmer, the villagers started searching but couldn't find them. The search ended after two days. The relatives that my mother had visited that night came to comfort us. I knew something bad had happened to them, but I did not want to believe it. Everyone knew they were dead, but I couldn't! Do you know the funny part? "


"After two days of searching and no one could find my parent's a doctor had come to the village during the storm that night and had seen how my parents were killed by a beast in the woods.

A beast? Isn't that a wild animal? "

"The man who saw them die claimed that he couldn't tell what had happened before because he was terrified. And the beast that killed my parents was nothing but a Rapha."