Miko's story 2

Why did the story turn out like this? In the beginning, we were talking about what happened to our families and now we moved on to Rapha's? I don't know what a Rapha is, the first time I heard it was from the children locked in the hut near the dark forest.

"Why does he think a Rapha killed your parents?"

"He said he saw very clearly that the person who killed my parents had white and also red hair. Only a Rapha is like that."

"Did he really see that he was a person?"

"… Of course."

"And the red part was at the end of the hair?"

"I do not know. Why are they asking this question?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to know if, the person he saw was really a Rapha or not."

"What does it matter when my parents are dead anyway."

"… The person may have had just white hair and the red part that the doctor saw is your parent's blood. You said it was a snowstorm that night so how could the doctor see the color of another person's hair. Also, his hair could have been in any color and still would be covered in snow and look white."


You have nothing to say haa?

"I don't know. Everyone said he was a Rapha. I don't know what to think. I only know that if I find the person who did it, I will kill him. I will avenge the death of my parents."

Well, there is no way to prove who is right? but if the doctor's words are true, then I am not the only Rapha in this world. If there was a way to find more people like me, at least I would have a place to fit in. But I'm sure they should be hidden in caves or on top of mountains, so people can not find them.

"What was the name of the village where you lived?"

"Huh?! Why do you want to know?"

"Nothing, just curiosity."


Great, if I get the chance to go there, I will see if there are really Rapha's in those mountains. If not, then it will be a waste of time and energy.

"Oh what about your little brother what happened to him?"

"… My parent's bodies weren't found due to the snow, so the residents decided to wait until the snow melted to start the search again. As for me and my brother, my mom's sister decided to live in the house and she would take care of my brother, but I had to leave."


"Apparently my aunt wasn't that fond of me and my father. Probably because my mom left home to live with her lover in the mountains without family approval, so she started to hate me who looked like my father. So I ended up on the road. At first, I wandered from place to place looking for work. Even when I found work to do, the money I earned was stolen from me. So I stopped looking for money and started looking only for food. I wasn't good at finding food and the sellers always caught me and beat me, and threw me again on the street covered with wounds. The days were like that until one day I met a man. An old man. He was really like a savior of mine. I couldn't imagine life without him. I was happy somehow. But he is already gone."

All of this must have been painful for him to remember. For a child one day to lose everything and the next day to be thrown in the street. It's different from me, I just feel someone else's pain, it's not even mine.

"I'm very sorry. It must have been painful for him to tell me all of this."

"...nuh they belong to the past, the important thing is to see what we will do in the future."


What will the future be like?



Whose voice is this? I have not heard it before. Did she say Rapha?

"Oh my dear Rapha, how many times have I warned you not to kill anyone."

"Why don't you ever ask me why I did that? Do you think I killed them for no reason? Do you think I'm crazy?"

Huh, a dream, who are they, what are they talking about?

"They are my creatures, I have given them life. If someone kills them even if she is one of my daughters, I will not forgive her and I don't care about your reasons. Life is important to everyone and you are taking them. So I will never forgive what you did Rapha, NEVER!"

"Ack ... Eternia please listen to me, cough… cough please! ETERNIA! It hurts! Please give me another chance! Aaaaaaah!"

Huff ... huff what was that, who is Eternia, the other person was a Rapha or her name was Rapha? I don't understand."

"Rai are you okay? Are you sick?"

"No, don't worry, I'm fine. It was just a dream."


"You don't have to look at me like that, I told you I'm fine."

"Rai since we have come here every time is the same thing, and you always say it was just a nightmare. I'm worried, what if you're sick?"

"Don't worry too much."


"Is it morning ?! What are you still doing here, let 's go out."

"All right!"

It's been a few months since I and Miko met and we started living together in a city. At first, we didn't know where to go, but in the end, we found an abandoned house in the suburbs. Since then we have spent a lot of time together so we became friends and he started talking to me by my nickname that friends in the other world called me. I also learned that Miko is two years older than me, so he is nine years old.

Haa… and it's been almost a month since I had some weird dreams. At first, some of the memories of this nameless body appeared to me, the way I lived in the slave market, pain, torture, etc. They were painful, but there was not much to see. But this last dream I saw was not the memory of a seven-year-old child. Maybe a vision?

Haha, what am I thinking? I am not a fortune teller, and I can not predict the future.

"Rai what are you thinking?"

"Huh ?! Oh no, nothing."

"Does it have to do with the dream you had this morning?"

Ow, he is very cute when he is worried. I want to hug him, but I have to restrain myself.

"I don't have to think so deeply about a bad dream. I just had my mind somewhere else, don't worry."

"… Ok! If you don't feel well tell me, I'm going to look for food, you have to go home."


I wanted to help him, but being outside for too long can be dangerous for a child with a collar. In the beginning, Miko didn't like to do all the work alone, but when I started cooking something with the things he brought and I explained several times why I couldn't stay out for long, he accepted and let me stay at home.

It was good that he had no doubt where I had learned to cook when I had been a slave since I was born. It is also not healthy for a growing child to eat only dry things like bread or apples every day, we need a balanced diet. This made me ask Miko for more ingredients, and they are worth it when I see that he likes the food I cook for him.

"If I had the opportunity, I would like to thank my nanny for teaching me how to cook. Her lessons are really valuable to me."

"What is valuable?"