So he really died

"You mean because I'm a Rapha this is the most normal thing that can happen?"

"It could be said that way, but the miss said that person tried to do something to you, so the best way to get a job done is like that."

I couldn't believe those who were coming out of Amira's mouth, how could she say this so easily as if it were a walk in the park. Then again, her opinion of me was like any other person, everyone would say that this is normal for a Rapha and there is nothing you can do about it.

I got up from the couch and went to the shelf to get a book and sat on the window, I was so tired of what had happened today that I needed something to clear my mind. Amira did not speak to me and later joined me in reading as usual in the nearby chair.

I didn't want to stand so close to her, no matter how much I read and tried to distract myself from the thoughts, they came again and made it hard for me to keep my mind in one place.

How many things happened today, even though I tried to make the day as simple as possible and enjoy the first day outside without any worries, in a place where I would feel calm and accepted near the flowers that can not speak and to say bad words to me, this day was ruined anyway.

And also the scene I saw after I returned to the mansion has stuck in my mind. I can't forget what I saw a little while ago in that room where Spencer forced himself on that boy.

"Amira do you know someone named Roan?"

"Am yes, he is the gardener, why do you ask miss?"

"No reason."

Oh, that right he is the gardener we talked about a while ago when I was out. Has he neglected his job to do this? It would make me laugh if they are still doing it at the moment we are talking.

Ah, damn it again!

"Lady are you okay, what it is?"

It was foolish to think that the pain would go away so quickly, such pain couldn't come and go easily and also I do not want to show my weak side in front of Amira.

"It's okay, it was just a slight headache nothing more."

"…! If you say so."

It is better not to think about unnecessary things anymore, what they do in their free time is not my job, but also to spend the whole day without thinking about it is not that easy.

"I'll lie down a bit."

"As you wish!"

A little sleep will not hurt anyone, I just hope I don't have a headache after that.

At that time someone else was rummaging through documents to find the information he needed, time did not wait and he had to take immediate action.

At first, he had started out by curiosity but the words he had heard were endless and the whole stable was in terror and sooner or later those words would reach the marquis' ear then everything would end.

"Did you find out what had happened?"

"Yes sir, one of our employees was seen crawling towards the place where all the employees gathered after a tiring day of work. At first, someone had noticed a long line of blood between the residence and the stables, after that he went to take a look following the road frightened of what would have happened."

"And then?"

"And there he saw it, a hand lying on the ground and a little further a bleeding man with the bones of his right arm totally torn, there he had died. His condition was terribly frightening, his body and face were frozen from the time he had been since he died but the face was the most horrible thing. His eyes and mouth were open and the blood that came out of those soulless eyes made the men who informed us vomit."

So the first person who went and saw him informed the other, in this way he was removed from that place and taken home to his relatives. Everyone agreed that Rapha was the one who did this and everyone would be in danger if things went on like this. She has to be sentenced to death immediately.

Spencer could not believe what he had heard and seen, what had happened was a tragedy, but even though he didn't agree at first with her arrival at the residence, his judgment fluctuated after young lady Nasya informed him of the bracelet that she put on her.

This time he had to search more about the truth of that object, it was impossible for the restricted magic to be so weak that she could not stop such a small explosion of power.

'What will happen if she decides to release more? The bracelet will not stop her and we will be at the mercy of fate.'

It was a big mistake to trust such an object without any prior information, to do such an important job as saving our lives. We should have killed her from the beginning when she set foot in this house, but even now it is not too late.

"First, the words should not reach the marquis and his daughter, everything must be resolved in complete secrecy."

"Yes sir!"

Although I thought a little sleep would calm me down, in fact it happened the opposite, as I woke up from a few whispers, I raised my head and I could see that both of my maids were at the end of the bed staring at me.

Creepy !! Have they been there the whole time I was asleep?

Annie seemed to have come back with the clean clothes she took before to wash and this made me think I had slept more than I had anticipated.

It was strange this time I thought I could see one of my past memories, painful or happy whatever it was, but I couldn't see anything.

Now that I think about it, since I came here I didn't have any nightmares or dreams related to my former life or the person who used to live in this body. It's a bit strange that they ended so quickly even though they bothered me every night. I feel a little empty!

I didn't get out of bed, I wanted to stay a little longer even though I couldn't sleep anymore. My head didn't hurt like before, but I still felt that my eyes were heavy so I lay down with my eyes closed.

They both didn't make noise, I do not know what they did as I closed my eyes again because it was so quiet, they stayed in the same place watching me as I sleep, or moved to do their job. Now in this kind of peace, I had nothing else to do but stay with my own thoughts.

Somehow my life here has become dull, with no purpose or ambition, I just breathe and walk around the room. Even though I felt more or less tired of running to get rid of all the people who were looking for me and selling me, still considering my current lifestyle I have to say, that life was more exciting.

Lying down I heard the sound of the door opening and someone rushing inside. The person started talking to the maids but I couldn't tell who he might be.


Oh please do not tell me that this person is him!

"Get out!"


"I said get out!"

Why did you come here at this hour of the day, don't you see that I am sleeping, well relax with my eyes closed to be exact. He asks for both of them to go out and leave us alone, what does he have to tell me now that there is no one around?

"Stop pretending to be asleep, I know that you are awake, and listen to me very well."

Oh great God, am I asking for too much when I say I want to relax?

However, even though my head hurt and I could not keep my eyes open for a long time, I had no choice but to stand on my back and face this rude person who was talking in front of me, I don't know what would happen if I put my guard down.

"To whom should I thank for this unexpected visit, Mr. Spencer?"

He smiled as if he was expecting this chance and put one hand on the bed and the other grabbed the end of my chin.

"You have to thank the person you killed in the garden a little while ago."

So I was right, he really died.