What is happening now?

The room was quiet again. We were both looking each other in the eye, but I did not feel anything, I was tired and didn't want to deal with useless conversations with Spencer at this time. A laughable thought just crossed my mind.

'Isn't he tired of what happened a little while ago?! I have to say that he has a lot of stamina to do all this work without getting tired '

I was not interested in him so eventually, he removed the hand he had placed on my face and put both hands on the bed without sitting down. The look he was giving me was heavy, he wanted to know what was going through my mind now that he had caught me, but I just wanted to laugh at how serious he looked about the situation.

"I don't know what you were expecting but thank you for letting me know, you can go now."

He glared at me with a hateful look, as if he did not expect me to react this way.

Are you seriously expecting me to cry and apologize?! One person has died, and we both know that I'm the cause so I do not have to pretend to get out of the situation.

Wow if the look could kill, now I would have said goodbye to this world.

"You don't seem to understand me, but you can't escape the fate of what you did, being a Rapha gives us more reasons to sentence you to death, but now that you have killed a man it is easier for us to get rid of you."

I thought you knew better ways Spencer, but I'm disappointed with what you said. This was a pathetic answer!

"Haha, I being a Rapha gives you a reason to execute me?! So this is what you call justice? I'm impressed!"

As much as I wanted to I could not keep my eyes open, this would seem like a sign of loss for me but I had nothing to do, I was still tired.

"It seems like you are not able to reason in the situation you are in now. Maybe it's because of the bracelet you are wearing that you are in this state."


Is he serious right now? Now he says that this bracelet is to blame for me being in this condition?

But maybe the restricted magic causes me pain when I use my powers without the permission of "the master" and here I thought that this thing was useless. Something tells me that this thing is more serious than it seems, but for now I have something else to worry about.

"I will leave you a little time to be alone to reflect on what you have done because once the word reaches the marquis you will die."

After he said that I could hear footsteps, apparently he was leaving the room now that he had achieved his first goal.

To die, no sir I will not die, if it happens you and your secret will come with me.

"Too bad! You are leaving, I wanted to talk more about this matter with you. I'm sorry for my current condition, you might be upset to be with a person who has closed her eyes while you were talking about an important issue."

"We have nothing else to talk about."

"Oh on the contrary we have a lot, what will happen that when I face the marquis something may come out of my mouth, for example… Mr. Roan?"

Oh, apparently I hit the nail on the head. After I said that, he looked as if he had frozen in place, the quick steps to leave the room had stopped.

"?! what do you mean by that, what has he got to do with this?"

"Hoho you know what I mean"

I hate myself when I use methods such as taking advantage of someone's preferences or personal information to persuade people to go to my side, but I have no choice but to persuade him and put him down to his knees.

If he knows what is best for him it would be good if he stopes the decision to execute me. If he does not do so, perhaps he will go down in history as the most romantic person to admit his love for Roan in front of everyone and move on to a happier life.

The second one isn't convenient for me so much and also I don't think he has the courage to admit that he loves a boy, otherwise he would have done it in the novel before I appeared.

Spencer has always been praised for his knowledge and achievements and something like this frightens him because it will put him in a difficult position and the whole society will badmouth him.

He was stunned and didn't know what to do, he moved a little further and from the noise he made it seemed as if he had fallen.

Damn it! I couldn't see such a scene because of my closed eyes.

"Where did you hear that?"

"Why should I tell you? I just want to know what you're going to do next?"


It's quiet again, he should be still on the floor as long as I'm not hearing any movement. Sigh, this is never going to end at this rate, he is so shocked by what I said that he can't think clearly and give me a solution or support.

"Maybe I .."

"Stop! I know what needs to be done, you just have to follow exactly what I'm going to tell you and we're both going to win this. Now I want to know, are you with me or not? "

You have no choice Spencer, maybe next time you will consider checking before doing something with your little boyfriend. Who knows who might see what you are doing.

After a brief one-on-one conversation with Spencer, he had nothing to do anymore so he left.

The moment we were talking I realized that my eyes were slightly relaxed and I could finally open them freely without causing a headache. But anyway I kept holding them closed until Spencer left so I would be calmer being alone and without looking at his face.

I was starting to think, he did not give me an answer whether he would help me or not, but since he listened to me till the end he must have decided to help me in my self-rescue plan so that his secret would not be exposed to the public.

Now I can only wait for the result, if he fails I don't think it will be a good idea to stay here, otherwise my head…

"Miss, what did Mr. Spencer want from you?"

Annie and Amira came in right after Spencer came out, I don't know how I should interpret the way they dashed towards the room. And they caught me by surprise, so as soon as I heard the noise my eyes were wide open.

Maybe they thought that either I would kill him or he would do something to me during the time I was not well, each of them does not matter much, he left so I have no reason to stay in this position, it is more good to stay lying down.

"Nothing, he just wanted to know how I spent the day outside."

They both seemed surprised, maybe they didn't expect me to give such a short answer, but I didn't want to prolong the conversation because I knew Annie's gossiping issue and wouldn't leave me alone if I didn't say it all. And my plan should not be revealed until the right moment comes.

"What time is it now? It's really getting late."

"In a few minutes you will have dinner with young lady Nasya in her room, do you want to get ready?"

So the time has come to eat with her as usual. Sigh, I don't need to be extravagant for a short time that we will spend in peace while eating. And the way I dress in pajamas will make me look like I am not well and this way I will not spend much time with her.

"No there is no need I will go like this, it is a waste of time to change just for a few minutes and then change again to go to sleep."

Annie didn't seem to agree with my decision because a lady of a prestigious family should always have an elegant look at every time, no matter what the process took.

"But miss you can't go in night clothes to the young lady, what would she say about our work?"

"It's okay Annie, miss Rapha knows what she's doing."


"Miss come here even though you don't want to get changed at least you have to comb your hair."

Amira, on the other hand, seems to be on my side even though like Annie she doesn't understand the reason that pushed me to behave this way. Anyway, it's better this way, she's my maid, that means she has to follow my orders without asking any questions.

The time to share a meal with Nasyan came, but the time and place of the meeting seemed to have changed, Giselle came on her own with the lady's orders to tell me that she was free and was waiting in the room for both of us to go to another place to eat dinner.

'It's a sudden change considering what happened today. Do not tell me she found out.'

Anyway, after learning that the meeting place had changed, my servants started talking to each other in despair mostly Annie and asked me to put on something else again, but I headed to Nasya's room as I was.

Inside the room the atmosphere was heavy and she was sitting in a chair by the table looking at me as if waiting to say something, but she remained silent until Giselle came right after me and told us we could go.

Nasya nodded and headed for the door where I was frozen and did not even look at me.

'What is happening?'