My trial

After some days I was sent to another room which looked the same as the first one, but the door and windows had railings and so I wasn't allowed to go out anymore, so I spent the time alone in monotony.

Annie and Amira came to me and helped to put medicine on the wound every once in a while, but after some time they didn't come anymore, so I have no contact with the outside world.

Each time it was the same, at first I found it strange that they stopped coming to serve me and talk to me, sometimes I even found it difficult to serve myself, because always one of them would do it for me, and other times I felt alone as a person locked in psychiatry for mental problems.

Many things came to my mind about what should have happened. My servants left, I changed the room at the bottom of the residence and I heard nothing from Spencer since that day, so I thought that he didn't want to help me with my escape plan.

The silence and having so much free time made me wish for 'a human' to talk. I began to write down my ideas, some of the phrases from the books that I liked, and everything I could see outside the room, which was like a cave always in total darkness and they never gave me a candle to see.

The good thing was that I didn't miss a single food, I was even given more than I needed, but I couldn't see anyone. Someone from outside opened a small part of the door to put inside a tray and slid it on the floor, and later I had to leave it near that small part so when he came he would easily take it and leave. That was the only interaction that I had with another person.

Several times I tried to talk to him, but he never answered. And I felt like it was all just a test so he could see and report to marquise how I would react to my new environment. I was like a lab mouse.

Time passed without realizing it and it has been almost a month since I was locked here in this room. My routine went on like every day, when I woke up I tried to keep the room tidy and eat breakfast, then I read for a couple of hours and slept again.

At lunch, I stood on the ledge and watched what was happening outside, but I never found any change so I got bored quickly.

So later I took notes and tried to find a reason to cry or show emotion to myself, but tears didn't come out and it was also difficult to express emotions when you had four walls in front of you all the time.

How pathetic, I want to laugh so hard at myself or act like crazy, for someone to look at me and make them think that they were right all along. At least I can make a person happy out of this

As soon as I wanted to escape from here, they decided to lock me up in a prison with no way out. I have no idea why they are doing this, if they wanted to punish me they would have done it already, but they only isolated me.

This is an easy punishment for "someone like me", so why keep me alive?

I want to know, but more I would like to be free. I miss looking at the world outside, breathing in the fresh air, seeing the seasons change, and everything else to please my eyes.

I really want to know what is happening to this world and what path history will take, if really something will change with my arrival here or it will be the same.

Day after day, month after month, time passed and Raeliana was plunged into deep despair. She no longer knew how long it had been and the plan to escape had turned into an impossible dream.

She had no idea what would happen to her, they didn't care that one of their employees had been killed, but they were afraid of the idea that she had the will to ruin their "perfect" plan and in isolation, they were trying to break not only her will but also her mind. In the end, she would be just a mannequin who would do whatever she was told to do.

Even though in Raeliana's mind the time had stopped or seemed the same, outside, people had started to move, some of them were friends ...

"Have all the preparations been done?"

"Sir are you sure about what you are doing? It is dangerous if you are caught."

"… Yes I am. After you leave this room you have to run away, there is nothing left for you here, it would be better if you two go to a distant place. "

"Y..yes sir. X2"

'It's been a long time since I last saw her, locked up in that dark room, how will she take this sudden change?'

And those who seek to get her...

"Your highness...highness what does this mean, the preparations for the academy are over and you have to leave tomorrow morning, why do you have to take some of the soldiers so suddenly?"

"Alfred the ceremony does not matter much, I have been to three of them and they seem unnecessary to me now, and if you are so anxious, then I will take the royal magician to transport me to academia immediately after I have done my job."

"Your highness, but you condemned the last royal magician, the new one will take time to be appointed."

'Oh yes, I condemned him for overdoing his spell and almost made "her" lose her mind into darkness. And Alfred is right, the new one will make a big mess or maybe he will make the same mistake as the first one, and worst-case scenario, it can even kill "her" in the process.'

"Sigh, so we had someone like him in the castle? I didn't know that the magic department standards were this low. Anyway, I don't need him. "

"But your highness why are you going to such length for 'something like this'? You are the next heir to the throne you can have everything and everyone you want, but why her?"

'Hearing it from him makes me even angrier. He doesn't understand the true value of my purpose, his only job is to carry out my orders and I have made it clear from the start that his opinion is not needed, but look at him now trying to change my mind with his shameless words. He wants to deceive me, like giving a child candy to make him forget what he wanted before because he has something "better" on his hands.'

"Are you asking for a death wish, Alfred? Get out of here and call Nary to my room!"

"..?! Yes...your highness!"

'I waited a long time, it will be almost a full year that I couldn't see her. When I learned that one of the aristocrats had locked her up in his residence like a pet, my blood was boiling and I wanted to go there immediately and wipe that place off the map. They will pay me with their lives if something happens to her. '

"Did you ask you me, my lord?"

"Get your soldiers ready, we will leave for Corttes's residence at dawn!"

"I understand, then I'm taking my leave!"

After my plan is completed, the whole Corttes family should be prepared, because whatever they love the most will disappear before their eyes.

"Wait a little longer for me, my little Lycoris, I will finally be with you after so long, I promise that I will not disappoint you this time."