
What is happening, a lot of weird noises are coming from outside. What is going on with this mansion all of the sadden? And is not even morning yet, is still dark outside.

The noise of the carriage moving, the cheers of the people being heard as far as where I was, and the strangest thing was that I heard people talking in front of the door of my prison room.

After all this time I couldn't hear anyone other than the person who brought me the food to come here, what do they want here at this time?

"Did you hear? Miss Corttes just left for the academy, she is an aristocratic and dignified girl, everyone expects the best from her."

"Of course, I was with those who cheered for her safe return home. She is an intelligent lady who goes to the best academy in the country. I am very proud that I managed to serve her." - she said in a delightful voice.

I thought she was talking to me for a moment there.

So Nasya is going to study at the academy?! I didn't know it had been a year or more since I was locked up here. I'm angry with myself that I wasted so much time here and I couldn't achieve anything I wanted.

"Yes, but how can such an intelligent and well-educated young lady associate with such a creature and even treat her as an equal, I don't understand."

"Right, she was probably shocked to see a miserable slave in the middle of the street, and "she" must have begged the young lady for help, and our lady like an angel she is, took that creature into her care."

It looks like they despised me even though I was trapped here. I'm sure I have heard these voices before, these girls are probably the same ones who spoke ill of me and mistreated Annie. How childish of them to come here at a time when their lady is away and make me hear their words.

'What do they accomplish by doing this?'

Because I have nothing else to do and their words contain only flattery for their superior and envy for the other person that can't do anything to them behind bars, I listened to them calmly and prayed that they would leave soon.

"We can't let our lady's good name be tarnished because of an unnamed slave even though she did a good deed."

"Yes, we are responsible for her happiness after all and mistakes happen right?"

What now, it looks like they didn't come here just to speak ill of me to each other.

I didn't know what to believe if my mind was playing some kind of trick on me and it made me think that some people I hated, came in front of my door or I was hallucinating that a black liquid was coming into the room under the door.

But thankfully or not, my mind was all right and everything was real.

Nasya's maids were there and it was true that they were pouring something on the door. I got up from my place and went to see, but the heavy smell made my mind spin and I didn't take even one more step.

'Is this pitch?'

"Haha, we'll get rid of you for good this time."

"Shh someone can hear us, let's finish this job quickly and get out of here."

'What work, what will they do with this..don't tell me that they?'

Without being able to collect myself, they put the liquid in the fire and there was nothing I could do to put it out.

"Haha, burn in hell, you evil creature."

"Do not bother me I'm trying to think here"

"Huh, is she out of her mind".

While running away they were laughing and saying how stupid I was for thinking that I could pull out a fire.

Well, I think she's right and I really lost my mind, but to be honest I just wanted to make them shut up because I couldn't stand it anymore.

If I opened the window, the air would make the fire bigger and everything would burn within minutes. I didn't have enough water here to put out a fire and neither hitting it with pillows or anything else would help me.

'Am I going to die here?'

"Let's leave soon before anyone comes."

"Nobody saw us get in there, don't worry we can take our sweet time to go out, this part of the residence is not visited by anyone and when they see the smoke coming out, we will be in the kitchen doing our job."

"Haha, you are a genius!"

"Are you sure about that?"


'A sudden voice coming from the end of the corridor scared me to death, I thought we were caught in the act by someone who knew us, but most importantly, who is this person with a cape, how did he get in here?'

"I asked you a question."

'It's better to get out of here without making noise, his aura is scary and I don't feel safe around him. An idea came to my mind, if he let me go maybe I can warn someone about a suspicious person inside the mansion and we are lucky because everyone would know that the fire we set was his doing.'

"Hehe, we were just playing with each other and now we are going back to our places, nothing else, now can you let us pass please?"


'What is with this guy, he is staying in the same place without moving. Let's just ack like he's not there, let's ignore him and leave.'

"Why do you want to leave so quickly? I wanted to talk a little more about what you have done, especially about something, what did you do to lycoris?"

'What was that name? I can see his eye under that cape burning with anger, they are scary. Damn it! What are you so eager to know? We have to hurry. '


"Yes, I am here my lord."

'Now there are two of them ?! Where did the other one come from? Ack whatever since he is distracted with the other person, I am out of here. '

"Get them out of my way and get rid of them, I don't want to waste more time here."

"Understood sir!"

'Whaaat he is crazy! No way, I have to explain in some way, it can't be true that he will kill us so suddenly.'

"S..sir w..we can leave on our own, not necessary to go in such length for that."


"See we are out of your way."

'Now go and live as alone'

"Nary, you know what you have to do."

"No, please we didn't do anything wrong, PLEASEee!"

'This was not foreseen, no one should have seen us here, but they open their own grave when they set her on fire. I couldn't let them go in peace with what they did. The only thing that needs to be done now is to save her from the flames and take it with me, that would be a happy ending for me and her.'

The mysterious person found himself in front of the door of the room where Raeliana was locked.

Smoke was everywhere and didn't let him look and breathe freely. To the average person, that place would be dangerous and would probably burn in flames in the process to rescue her, but he was not like others, in fact, he was happy that she was trapped and had nowhere to go anymore.

He had looked for her everywhere and was now in front of the door that would lead him directly to his beloved prey. He started to think that maybe this would be like a movie scene and his action would look heroic and she would go with him.

He got ready and kicked the door with all his might, the door covered in flames collapsed and continued to burn.

Black smoke came out of the room straight at him. Trying to avoid it and find a sign of Realiana's, he stayed in the middle of the room and removes his cape in shock. He didn't believe what he saw!