I'm sorry!

'I didn't like how Spencer left yesterday. I respected the fact that he wanted to be alone, but I was sorry that the thought of getting what I wanted from him pushed me to open a big wound in his heart. '

Still, what I do know is very little about these two people, and the story has changed so much that I can no longer rely on the information that Nasaya had from the original novel.

Vinter Corttes. He wasn't like this before, he was just a side character who always appeared in the moments when his daughter needed financial help. So, what I know about him is no longer needed.

And, what I know about his grace, Xeron Phelter, are just a few things. Nasya met him only once at a ballroom at the royal palace and talked only about the role he played when Mireya was the heroine, but that changed because Mireya never had the opportunity to appear on stage and he from a heroine's enemy switched to a side character that never appeared again.

As times have changed again and Mireya is now with "her enemy" in the first story, Nasya who has the support of her father will be more dangerous. She is reincarnated in this world just like me, we both do not want to die but to have a happy life. But our paths are different, our definition of happiness is like night and day.

She was reborn in a life full of luxury, in a loving family, she knows the fate that awaits her and has created an overall picture of the happiness she seeks. And of course, Nasya has never thought of living a simple life without her money, so its purpose is way more selfish than mine. While for me, my happiness is not sustainable and can be shattered at any moment, but still, I found something that could make me happier and a goal. And maybe when the time comes, I will have to face Nasya, because I will never allow her to take Mireya's place, which rightfully belongs to her.

Speaking of Mireya, I haven't seen her since yesterday, she didn't even come to eat breakfast. I thought it would be better if she stayed alone and thought for a while, but this absence worries me, I should check on her.

[She didn't take the news as well as you thought ha? You should have prepared her emotionally beforehand, and this wouldn't have happened.]

'She must be just shocked, you don't have to make it worse. I'm going to talk to her, maybe now is a good time for her to open up with someone.'

I say that, but I don't know how to cheer up someone, even though it is Mireya that we are talking about here, but I still feel embarrassed and I don't know what to say when I talk to someone about their problems, because I know that I will not be of any help for them and will probably hurt them more. But anyway, it's worth a try.

"Mireya! Mireya, are you there? Can I come in?"

The room was quiet and I didn't hear any response from Mireya. Maybe she had decided to go outside and get some fresh air. I should come a little later and try again when she returns."

After not receiving a response from Mireya, I turned around and continued walking down the corridor to start my duties. I was reminded of what Spencer told me the day before and maybe he was right and I had inadvertently hurt someone else with my silence.

'And I can't blame it on the time huh?'

[Well you had the chance to talk to her about that, but you didn't.]

'I didn't want to ruin the beautiful time she was having. And I also thought it would not cause this reaction in her. She neither left the room nor ate anything for almost two days. And maybe Spencer is right, I'm selfish! '

[Sigh, and what about it, don't blame yourself too much! Everything you can do, it will not turn out one hundred percent perfect, someone will be hurt by it anyway, that's what it means to be a human.]

That's what it means to be a human huh ?! But I don't care about the others, my heart has only three people in it, it is Mireya, an illusion, a memory that is fading away little by little and that I will not be able to see anymore, and someone else who hates me, but is still by my side and looking at me with those green eyes, which make my heart ache, at the end of the corridor without saying a word.

When I asked him, I intentionally didn't want to sound pushy to him, but I still got annoyed, and in the end when he left. I didn't achieve anything, I didn't take any information and I couldn't say "sorry".

'It is too late to say sorry now?'

[You could try!]

I don't know the reason why he is staying there, maybe he doesn't want to have contact with me, so he is staying far away. I also made no more steps further and stood four feet away from him, gathering all my courage to say a simple but still difficult word.

From where should I start, I have many things to apologize for. Should I start with the way I behaved, for being selfish, the way I treat him and make him feel, or all of them?

"Uhmm, S-Spencer! I know you must be upset with me about what happened, or maybe you don't want to hear me at all. But I didn't have the opportunity to tell you that I-I'm… "


'?! What was that? That came from M-Mireya's room! It was Mireya screaming now, but I thought she was out. '

I hurried to her room, Spencer did the same and we both tried to open the door. I called so many times for her, but she didn't answer. Inside the room could only be heard her crying which made me think the worst.

"Spencer, do something! Kick the door or step out of the way, I will do it myself! "

I grew impatient waiting for Spencer to open the door. Something bad might have happened to Mireya and we had no time to lose. But unlike me, he was keeping his composure and I could see that he didn't like what I said.

[I think you have a talent for making people hate you!]

'What are you saying, Mireya loves me!'

[Well, that's an exception.]

'Tsk, at this rate we will not get anywhere! What is he trying to do?'

"Spencer !! I told you to move out of the way and I will bre...ak it. What?!"

Maybe I was too angry to notice what Spencer was doing, but he managed to open the door. He turned to me with a satisfied smile holding a hairpin in his hand.

"You were trying to open a lock with that? But where did you get it from? "

He cleaned the pin on his jacket and slowly he put his hand in my hair. I was stunned, his body and face were so close to me that I froze in place. I closed my eyes and shrank myself while listening to my heart which had started pounding without realizing.

'What is wrong with me? No, what I wrong with him, why is he so close? Even though I am trying to understand his reason, I don't think that this is a sign of forgiveness.'

"Pft! Learn to control your emotions better, right now you didn't even realize that I took a pin from your hair!"

After saying that, he stopped and turned around as if nothing had happened and entered the room.

'W-w-when did he take a hairpin from my hair without me noticing. And what about that just now, was my heart pounding for Spencer? No-no-no, absolutely not! It's certain that it happened because no one ever came so close to me on their own before, except Mireya.'

[Childe, are you forgetting something?]

'Huh, what ?! Oh yes, Mireya! '


'How can I think of such a thing when I don't even know what may have happened to Mireya?'

But when I got inside, she was lying on the bed still in her pajamas and Spencer was sitting on the bench next to her. I approached them with confusion, trying to spot something that would show me what had caused Mireya's sudden scream.


"Mireya! What the hell happened?"