A terrifying surprise

We were the only people in the room, but something felt different, it seemed like Mireya was not behaving like her normal self at all. She always had a cheerful smile on her face and this condition, like she was trapped, could not be left unnoticed.

Unlike her, Spencer who had just been trying to open the door with me, to see what had happened, was sitting quietly with his knees on top of each other leaving the impression that he didn't want to be here, most likely he felt uncomfortable.

I went near the bed and since I didn't see something suspicious to catch my eye, my gaze turned to Mireya. Maybe she felt like I was judging her since she started shivering from the moment I wasn't saying anything and was just looking at her waiting for an explanation. I can't say that I was angry, I was more disappointed by the fact that she didn't say anything even during the time I knocked on the door a few minutes ago. I thought of an excuse, maybe she couldn't hear me before, because she was sleeping.

But then what was that scream? The room seemed to have no sign of outside interference, the windows were closed and the curtains as well. The only way anyone could get in was through the door, but Spencer and I were in the hallway at the time. So, was it just a nightmare?

That was what I wanted to think, and it was a valid reason and it made a lot of sense. That she was asleep and couldn't hear the knocks on the door, then saw a nightmare and screamed in terror, and as we entered she was shaking in an attempt to calm herself from her dream and from us who suddenly broke in.

'But why is she not talking? Am I being too intimidating for her standing like this? '

I sat in the chair on the other side of the bed, opposite Spencer. I tried to calm down a bit so as not to continue scaring Mireyan in my current condition, so I gave a slight sigh and adjusted my position, as the way I had been taught in ethics lessons.

'By doing this, I hope she feels less scared and calms herself down, even though we are both constantly watching her, so it shouldn't be an easy thing to do.'

Suddenly Spencer gets up and turns to Mireya and then to me, he gives a slight bow and says in a formal tone: "My lady, I'm taking my leave, I will pray for your recovery!"

Mireya nodded! She looked like a real lady doing that, I guess because she's used to this before and now it's normal for her. So then he just went outside closing the door behind him.

'Look at him turning to his formal mode real quick. First he avoids me, then later he plays with my hair as if he was used to it and then behaves like an exemplary servant. I don't get him, does he like or hate us? '


'Still, he was worried enough to run and open the door when he heard her scream, so I should at least give him credit for that. '

"Raelian p-please forgive me back then, b-b-but I couldn't get up from my bed, you see... I .."

'So she did hear I knock, this doesn't explain the fact that she didn't answer tho. '

My expression got worse, I could even look it in Mireya's eyes because she was reluctant to speak the moment I changed my attitude. Of course, I wanted to hear what she had to say, but I didn't like that she didn't answer me a little while ago and made me worry, not only me but also "our dear butler".

"Mireya, about that scream just now. I get it that you heard me knocking and you couldn't even respond, but what scared you so much during those few minutes I was away, that made you scream so loud?"

She understood the irony I added in my own words, of course she could at least have spoken to me and told me that she couldn't get out of bed to open the door, but she didn't speak and chose to remain silent until the screaming betrayed her.

Mireya wasn't sure what to say, she started to tighten the edges of the sheet and lowered her head. I couldn't imagine why she found it so hard to talk about, even if the whole problem was on the topic we spoke with his grace, she had told me before what had happened to her in her kingdom, what could be worst than that? Anyway, I didn't want to put pressure on her, because apparently she didn't want to talk about it.

"If you don't want to talk about what is bothering you, it's fine! I will wait, and when you're ready can you tell me."

She nodded with her head still lowered and she released her hands and covered her face. After that, she burst out crying. I was shocked, I didn't know what to do to comfort her because it was so sudden that it left me no time to think. I got up from my seat and walked close to her, thinking that maybe a hug would do the job. Mireya always said that the best way to support someone is a hug, but this time I don't believe I could use it.

Mireya immediately raised her hand and stopped me from approaching her. I thought she wanted to get something out of her chest, that was bothering her and so I didn't get too close and did not even oppose her desire.

Later when she stopped crying, her face had turned totally red, and seeing her like that, so broken and hurt, made me want to cry too and I forget all the anger I had towards her. How could I possibly be bad towards a person who was in pain?

She carefully wiped the tears from her eyes, and gave me a sign with her hand to sit next to her. I did as she told me and Mireya took both of my hands and joined them with hers. I could see my reflection in those pink eyes that were starting to water again, even though she was trying to keep a serious face still looking at me, I could feel that she wanted to cry so badly.

"Mireya wha-what happened? Is it all because of what his grace said the other day? If so, we have no reason to accept it if you don't want to, and it makes you feel so bad. Just say the word, and I promise that we will go wherever you want."

"N-no, i-is not about that!"

'Then someone said something bad to her? Maybe the same thing happened to her as with my maids and she didn't take it well, their indifference. Still, who dares to turn Mireyan from a happy angel into a broken human? Is like she is suffering from heartbreak.'

"Who was it? Who made you cry Mireya, tell me? Was it one of the maids? Did they tell you something unpleasant? "

She denied all of my guesses. So it was not one of them, or she was too pure that she didn't want to show who made her in this condition. I was even more annoyed, Mireya didn't deserve this, I also blamed myself for not paying proper attention to her, the person I promised that I should protect and not allow her to get hurt.

I felt my hands tighten even more, Mireya had closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I stopped thinking about the possibility of someone hurting her, because the most important thing now was to hear what Mireya had to say.

'Once I get out of that door, I will find who did this to Mieryan and so do you, Raphael. I want you to do what you did before in the count's mansion, I don't care if I spend another five or sixty minutes in that place, I want you to make that person suffer in the most painful way possible!'

[Are you sure this is what the light wants? She is not saying the person for a reason, but it is still good to go out once in a while, so I agree!]

'You sure like the outside world more, even though you tried to lure me by saying that the darkness was beautiful. Anyway, as long as we both agree, once Mireya is feeling better, I'll get out of this room and start searching. '

"Raelian I want to tell you something, b-before it's too late."

"Late for what?"

I was confused about what she said and tried to think about what would come next. And for her to see me so out of it, she couldn't control her tears anymore.

"I-I wanted to say how much I love you and how happy I have been during all this time we have been together. Those memories will stay with me even when I am no longer here, I swear I will never forget."

"Mireya, what is happening, why are you saying these to me?"

She hid her face again, maybe she didn't want me to see her crying. I was heartbroken to see Mireyan trying so hard to control her tears and keep her face as calm as possible, but she couldn't. And what she said to me made no sense, what would happen to her if she was trying to keep our memories together in her heart?

"I wanted to spend more time together, the three of us as we used to be in that house, where we used to live as a family. I don't want those moments to be forgotten, I don't want to lose them! "

"If you want, we can go there again! Mireya, please don't cry! If going back there makes you happy then let's go, nothing can stop us."

I went a little closer, but she stopped me! I thought she was happy here, but apparently I was wrong! I wanted to take them away as soon as possible from the place where the war would take place, but if she wants us to go back, then there is no other choice.

Mireya let go of my hands and I suddenly I felt empty, I felt lighter when she was holding them with her hands, but then she threw a bomb at me.

"N-no, we can not, since I don't have much time left, all your work is going to go in vain! At least you and Spencer should be happy even when I am no longer in this world! But still, I'm scared ... Raelian I'm so scared! Forgive me for not being able to talk to you before, forgive me for making you worried! But I was so terrified when I woke up and saw that I ... I ... I was bleeding. I will die! "

"Wait, WHAAAT!!!"