IT WAS HARDER to have a conversation with Moore than Samuel thought.

When he was just a mere step from settling in front of the boy, a girl slides in between the ample amount of space between them.

"I'm really sorry for earlier!" Girl A, whose name was apparently Hazel, bows down. "I was being so disrespectful!"

Good for you to own up to your mistakes, Samuel thinks.

The organization leader's eyes widened at being approached and immediately shook his hands in front of him. "No, no, it's alright,"

Hazel bows down again. "I'm really sorry!"

"It's okay, really," Moore tries to smile at the girl but fails horribly as the supposed reassuring smile turned into an awkward one.

It led to another misunderstanding between the two which made Hazel apologize again profusely and Moore repeat his words from earlier like a broken record.