THE NEXT MORNING was a complete surprise.

Samuel wakes up with a blanket covering him from his chest to his thighs. He smiles at this small gesture and was about to check his phone for new messages when his eyes widened upon seeing that it was already eleven in the morning.

Fuck, the tree planting session started an hour ago!

The boy quickly stood up from the couch and internally screamed at the pain that enveloped his back probably due to his single sleeping position for almost ten hours. He glanced around, terrified at the thought of Gracie's parents coming out of one of the rooms but he was in luck.

"Gracie?" He knocks on the girl's bedroom.

The girl's response was quickly heard. "Yep?"

"I have to go,"

The door opened with Gracie already wearing a casual outfit. "Where are you going?"

"To plant trees at the local park?" He sheepishly replies, already expecting the frown on Gracie's lips upon hearing his response.