THE RELATIONSHIP that Yule wanted to try was a nearby restaurant that they had passed through before with the tackiest choice of music and overly friendly waitresses.

One of them even personally led the five to one of the tables with a bright smile. 

She was pretty, of course, but Samuel just wasn't in the mood to flirt with anyone at the moment. 

Regardless of that fact, the waitress stared at him the entire time while Yule was telling her what their orders are.

Surprisingly, she was able to take note of what Yule was saying despite her eyes being on Samuel the entire time with an almost shy smile on her lips.

"Your orders will be done in twenty minutes," 

The waitress smiles at Samuel directly before leaving. The moment she was gone, Yule was quick to let out a loud chuckle and even nudged his friend at his side. "She was totally into you, man!"

Luka groans. "Yule--"