It might be extremely cheesy to say this but Samuel did indeed almost forget how to breathe the moment he saw her again.

Two years had passed and she still looked as beautiful as the day he first met her, huh.

"Yo! Are you just gonna stare at this girl here? Ain't you gonna apologize for pushing the door even though you saw her already on the other side of it? Just because you're hot doesn't mean you don't get to apologize!"

Only after the other girl, who was helping Laia to regain her footing, that Samuel was able to realize that he did indeed, due to excitement at seeing Laia, pushed the door abruptly and cause it to bump into the girl.

"Sorry," Samuel knew that his apology lacked a genuine tone but he could not focus on anything but on the girl in front of him who seemed to be surprised as he was.

But was she happy to see him as he is to see her?