"YOU SHOULD TALK to her and explain your side of the story."

Sawyer's words echoed inside Samuel's mind the entire week.

And when he said that it echoed and remained inside of his head the entire week, he meant to say that even until now that the same that Sawyer was pertaining to is sitting in front of him with Aiden on her side, his older brother's words still kept repeating inside of his head.

But how? How the fuck is he even supposed to explain his side of the story when Laia won't even let Aiden go somewhere else without her?

"Samuel? Are you listening to me?"


The boy blinks twice before turning her attention to Vivi who was looking at him with an annoyed expression on her face. "Yeah?"

"Was your head seriously up on cloud nine before I even started asking you questions about your life back in Germany?"

Samuel sheepishly smiles. "I apologize,"