LAIA DID NOT HAVE MUCH time to decide on what birthday present to get her boyfriend.

Sure he tried convincing her earlier this morning that their kiss by the parking lot was enough to compensate for the fact that she didn't know his birth date and also his birthday gift for the next three years (because there are three words in "I love you" which is cheesy as fuck) but Laia does not agree with that.

Not one bit.

This is what led her to write a letter with almost a thousand words already the last time she counted. 

And the last time she counted was an hour ago.

Needless to say, Laia had no idea how many words her letter to Samuel contained already and if what she was writing still made sense or was just an entire storyline of bullshit.

"Ugh," Laia threw the pen that she was holding on the side of her table, directly shooting it into the trash bin. "Fuck, now I have to stand up and take it back later,"