
" Release her now or I'll take care of you." Said the woman with a mask on her face.

" You don't scare me come closer if you dare."

The woman moves quickly and in a flash shoots the men and also the boss are on the floor.

" Are you alright?"

" I could be better, can you untie me please."

"Yes sorry."

The woman unties me then takes the bracelet off, and we leave the warehouse, and she takes me to the roof of a building.

" Put your wings away please."

" Yes " I didn't even notice they were still there

I put my wings away without much difficulty.

"Tell me who are you?"

" Well my name is Lexa but people call me the dark angel." she said before taking of her mask.

" Oh I'm Ava"

I look closer at Lexa and notice that I look a lot like her and the only difference is that I have red eyes, and she has purple eyes then Lexa looks at me

" You look like a carbon copy of me" she says laughing.

" Don't you think it's strange?"

" No not really I find it even really adorable you look like a mini me" She rubs my hair as she says this.

"Your fighting technique is really impressive."

" Thanks, you want me to teach you."

" Yes that would be really great."

" Tell me Ava you don't want me to take you home, it's going to be dark soon and I'm sure your parents are worried about you"

" Yes take me"

Lexa stands up and flashes her wings, they are black angel wings, I'm a little impressed.

" Wow you have wings too"

" Yes now hold on to me please I will take you home"

I hold on to Lexa then we fly away, and I show her where I live, and she brings me down right next to my house.

" Well I'll leave you to go home I'll see you next time but please don't tell anyone about me" said Lexa.

" Yes, see you next time Lexa"

Lexa leaves and I decide to go home

" Mom I'm back"

Mum hugs me when she sees me and holds me tight

" I was really worried I thought you weren't coming back"

" Mom I'm here now everything is fine so calm down"

" When we heard you were kidnapped we started looking everywhere for you and how did you get away"

" Someone rescued me and took me home."

" Is that person still there?"

" No mum she's already gone"

" Did she tell you what her name was?"

" No mum" (sorry but I have to lie to you)

"Well thanks to that person now come on let's get your wounds healed, and then we'll go to dinner"

" Yes mum"

Mum looked after me, and then I went to have a shower after that I got dressed but before I looked in the mirror and noticed a mark where the wings had appeared

I better not worry about it must be normal.

I get dressed then go downstairs to eat with mum then decide to go out for a bit to get some fresh air

After leaving my house I decide to go and buy an ice cream at the place where Mei and Ayaka showed me the last time.

"Hi, can I have a strawberry ice cream please"

" Yes of course"

I give the money to the merchant but instead of giving me one ice cream he gives me two

"I only asked for one ice cream, sir"

"Yes I know but this one is on the house and it's vanilla so you can give it to someone"

"Well why not, goodbye see you next time" it's Ayumi's favorite flavor too.

I walk out of the shop and then went outside with the two ice creams in my hand.

I can't eat the two ice creams, what am I going to do with the second one, well I'll just give it to a child in the park, at least he'll be happy.

I go towards the park and I notice that it's empty and that there's only one person, so I decide to approach this person.

I approach the swing and as soon as I see Ayumi I stop in front of her. She looks at me with a relieved expression before coming over and giving me a hug.

"You missed me this much but you saw me this morning." I said jokingly.

" I heard you were kidnapped and I was really worried but you're here now."

"Yes, tell me you want an ice cream?" I have two, I'll give her one.

"No thanks." She didn't even hesitate to answer me. That almost hurting.

"No, take it and it's free you know." I said with a smile.

"No thanks Ava." Just take it you witch.

" No you're going to eat that ice cream whether you want to or not."

I take the ice cream and give it to her by force, she struggles but after a while she finally takes it. If it were up to me, I wouldn't do it but as my mission is to get closer to you, I have no choice.

"You can see when you want Ayumi."

Ayumi starts laughing at this situation.

" We can say that you don't really give me a choice." she said with a huge smile on her face.

"Yes, that's true, but you should never refuse ice cream."

I eat my ice cream and then when I'm done I get up to leave.

" Thanks for the ice cream and it was vanilla ice cream." I know it's your favorite.

"You're welcome and I know that vanilla is your favourite flavour." I said, laughing nervously.

" You still remember that."

I stand up and looks at her the eye.

"Of course I do, you were always my best friend, I remember in detail everything you ever said to me even though you never told me who you were in love with."

She is blushing, the words are having an impact even if she tries to hide it.

"At the time you told me you were in love with one of your friends." she asked me nervously.

"Yes, I was." But not anymore, I am much more interested in my revenge.

"Yes, but when we were little I was your only friend." Yes I know and yet you never seem to notice the love I had for you all this year.

"Yeah, that's true." she blushed even more and scratched her head at the same time.

"I've been in love with you for quite some time," I tell her and watch her reaction, she freezes unable to answer me. The next second Ayumi just ran away, and I stand there watching her go.

What a funny girl she ran away after my so-called declaration of love. She's definitely developing feelings for me, so I'm going to take advantage of that. I'll just have to let Lydia know that the plan is moving forward.

It's time to go home , and I can't wait to see what Rose has made for dinner. I walk from rooftop to rooftop until I see Lexa, she is talking to someone and I decide to move closer to her to listen to their conversation.

"We had a deal, you were to stay away from Ava," said a woman with black hair and eyes, she was quite small but had dark brown skin.

"I helped her because you were unable to protect her. Lexa shouted back.

"Keep your distance Lexa, I don't need to have you in my space, I'm the one who's been in charge of protecting her since she was a child so go away." she said before walking away.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes.