
As soon as I see the black-haired girl I follow her without making too much noise, she doesn't seem to notice me until I arrive in front of my bedroom window.

I watch her carefully and see her turn into a cat before entering my room, so Cookies has been hiding things from me all this time, I'll have to talk to her.

I climb down from the roof before entering the house through the front door.

" I'm home mum." I say before taking off my shoes to feel more comfortable.

" Dinner is not ready yet, you can always do something else in the meantime."

"Yes mum."

While waiting for the dinner to be ready I'm going to join Cookies, there are lots of things I want to talk to her about and I know very well how to get her to talk. I go up to my room and find Cookies and decide to talk to her.

" Hi, you." I say as I move a little closer to her before taking her in my arms and laying her gently on my bed.

Cookie looks at me confidently before starting to talk.

"You're really bad at spying on people, you know that?" she said with a sigh.

"You're hiding things from me," I said, pointing at her.

"You hide things from me too." she answered right after my sentence, she doesn't even seem to be interested in what I'm saying, she prefers to lick her paw than to answer me seriously.

"It's different in this case and who asked you to protect me, is it my parents?" I said more seriously.

"I won't answer any of your questions, Ava," she says firmly.

"And if in exchange I told you one of my secrets," I said, sure that I would succeed.

"No need to tell me, I already know that you work as a spy for Princess Lydia. " She really did spy on me, and I have nothing else to say, so I'll have to use other methods in this case.

"Well, since you don't want to tell me."

I take Cookies with me and then decide to take her to the bathroom and turn on the water.

" It's been a while since I showered you." I said with a wicked laugh.

"No you can't do that to me." Her fur is dried out before she even touches the water.

"All I want is to know about my parents and I'm sure you know some."

" No, I won't say anything even if you make me take a bath."

I hold Cookies up to the water, and she starts scratching me then I unintentionally drop her in the water and take her back

" What are you doing Ava leave Cookies alone." say Louise

" Don't worry Louise I'm just giving her a bath."

"You are such a monster stop traumatizing her." If only you knew Louise.

Louise takes Cookies with her then Cookies looks at me then sticks her tongue out at me.I'll end up having information about my parents even if you don't want to tell me Cookies.

" It's time to eat Ava comes downstairs" said Rose from the kitchen.

I go downstairs to eat, then during the meal Cookies is still in Louise's arm.

" How long are you going to keep Cookies with you again Louise?" I said a little annoyed.

" Can't you see you are traumatizing her." she replied in an exaggerated way.

Louise still has Cookies in her arms.

"Louise put her down she is my cat." I said angrily.

" No I'm not going to listen to you" she replied.

"Honestly, "I sigh" never mind."

I finish eating and then go up to my room a bit desperate, change into my pajamas before texting Lydia to let her know how my mission is going.

From me to the Cold Queen: The plan goes well Ayumi seems to be falling in love with me. I hope everything is going well on your side and good night princess ;)

Once the message is sent I realize that what I said was a bit too much, maybe I shouldn't have said goodnight. I fall asleep on that last thought.

The next day I feel like I slept well, even a little too well for my taste. I look at my alarm clock to see that it's already 8:15 and school starts at 8:30. I'm probably going to be late because of Cookies, I see her smiling in the corner of my room. This is her little revenge.

I quickly get out of my room and head to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth at the same time. I rush out of the bathroom and hurry to get dressed.

I run downstairs to the kitchen as quickly as possible and grab a yoghurt to drink before waving to Rose and heading out of the house. I don't think I've ever run so fast in my life.

Once I get to the gate I feel relieved, and then I remember that today I have sports class and that there is not only our place, so I hurry to get to the gym where I see that the students have already started to run and once I arrive the teacher calls me.

"Sorry I'm late," I say as I kneel down and quickly stand up.

"Don't worry, it's nothing. Now that you're here, we can get down to serious business. "

" Well now that I have taken the time to observe you we are going to do another activity"

"What will be the new activity sir?" I asked.

"Just follow me and you will see." I hope it's something great.

We follow the teacher and go back to a room divided in two by a line.

"There are 31 of you, please make me 2 teams of 16." asked the teacher.

" Yes but why do this, what are we going to do?" asked someone

" Just do what I would like to ask." he said sighing.

"We can't make two teams of 16 we are only 31" respond Ayaka, I didn't even notice they were here.

" I'll join one of the two teams of you don't worry just do the teams." said the teacher.

After a few minutes the teams were formed I was with Chloe, Ayumi, Alya and other students and then across from us were Yuto, Ayaka, Mi and Mr. Aimer.

" Let's play dodgeball." he said exited.

"It's a children's game sir" said a student.

"Yes maybe but you will be allowed to use your magic that's the difference and when the ball hits you and it hits the ground you are out." he looks impatient.

"Oh I see, I feel like this is going to be very interesting." I say.

We all get on one side of the field, and we are all ready to start the game.

"Take the ball, it's your turn to start."

The teacher throws the ball to a student who is with us and when he catches the ball he falls with the ball to the ground.

" Why is the ball so heavy sir?"say a student.

" It's more fun this way and the ball only weighs 90 kilos so don't cry."

" I'll take care of it" say Alya

Alya lifts the ball without difficulty and uses her magic to surround the ball and throw it at an opponent who fails to catch the ball and the ball hits the ground

" That's one less" said Alya.

" Yes, well done Alya" Chloe say.

The game starts again and easily the weakest students are eliminated then in my team there is only me, Alya, Chloe and Ayumi and in the opposite team there is still the teacher ,Mei, Yuto and Ayaka, and it's Ayaka who has the ball and when she throws the ball it's unstoppable.

"It's still my turn to throw and it looks like you'll lose" say Ayaka

" Don't cry victory too quickly Ayaka we are tied I remind you" say Chloe

"Yes but not for a very long time"

She focuses her black lightning magic on the ball, just by looking at the ball you can tell that whoever gets that ball will die.

"Well I think we should dodge the ball" I say

" No, I'm sure we can stop it." say Alya

" Think whatever you want Alya"

" Here we go" said Ayaka.

Ayaka throws the ball and the ball goes straight to Alya and hits her head Alya falls to the ground unconscious and the ball hits the ground and everyone starts to laugh.

" I'm disappointed she got eliminated so easily" I say.

A student picks up Alya who is still on the floor

"We warned her but she didn't listen to us" say Ayaka.

I pick up the ball that is on the ground.

"Now it's our turn to counter-attack"

" Yes, I'm sure they won't be able to catch the ball" Chloe said

" Yes, eliminate Yuto, he hasn't done anything since then." say Ayumi.

"I won't let you say that Ayumi respect me" said Yuto embarrassed.

"Yes, it's like it's done." I say.

I use my fire magic to increase my strength then I throw the ball with all my strength to Yuto and the ball hits him, and he falls to the ground.

"No Yuto you are out" say Mei

She shakes Yuto to wake him up then Yuto goes out and sits down outside the field.

" Please let me take care of throwing the ball this time Ayaka" said Mei.

"Yes you can go now Mei" respond Ayaka.

Mei freezes the ball then throws it at Chloe and Chloe thought she could avoid the ball, but her foot was frozen then she gets caught and falls on the ground and the ball hits the ground.

" That's cheating, my foot got frozen." Chloe said disappointed.

"It's not cheating, all the shots are allowed so you're out, go and sit with the other losers" say the teacher.

"That's ok I'll go and sit down then" she says disappointed and goes to sit with the other losers"

"Well it's just you and me now Ava" say Ayumi

"Yes I'm sure we'll beat them so it's up to you to throw the ball Ayumi"

"Yes, I'll do my best."

Ayumi surrounds the ball with water and throws it at Mei, but she easily dodges the ball.

"I expected better though" Mei said laughing.

Mei takes the ball in her hand.

" Well, it's my turn to throw, now pass the ball to me Mei" say the teacher.

"No, I took the ball first" respond Mei.

"Don't be so stubborn and give him the ball Mei or I'll hit you" Ayaka says sternly

"Ok then."

Mei gives the ball to the teacher.

" Now I'll show you what a real throw is, take note"

Sorry for the spelling mistakes.