Father and son

Hearing Ji-Su talk about his mother's accident sent Ji-Won's brain into a frenzy. His fingers automatically clenched into fists. He felt his nails digging holes into his palms, but he paid no attention to the pain. His heart was bleeding too painfully for his body to feel anything else.

When Ji-Won finally replied, his voice sounded like death itself, icy-cold and hollow.

"What do you want from me… 'little brother'?" he added the last words with as much hatred as possible.

Upon hearing that, Ji-Su flinched.

The words felt like a slap to his face and for a moment he stumbled on his feet. He stopped in his tracks, freezing on the spot. He had always wanted to hear his big brother say those two words to him, always hoped Ji-Won would look kindly on him, even consider him family.

However, hearing those long awaited words in that moment, spoken with so much loathing, made his heart break.

With a deep shuddery breath, Ji-Su back stepped towards the door. By the time he reached for the handle, his expression looked composed again. Though, it wasn't as cheerful as it had been when he came into the room.

Ji-Su's lips curved into a small smile, and he bowed his head slightly.

"Don't forget to visit father before you leave. He said it's important. Then, I'll be seeing you soon."

And with that, Ji-Su turned on his heels, leaving Ji-Won alone in his room.

Cursing loudly, Ji-Won brushed a hand through his hair. The black strands got pushed upward, revealing his pale forehead.

The encounter with Ji-Su had incensed him so much that he didn't think he could handle his father right away. Thus, he decided to take the bags to the car first, take a walk outside, then talk to his father.

The Kang family's house was a real mansion. It consisted of the two-story high main building, a servants' wing and a greenhouse. The latter was the place where Mrs. Kang grew her flowers and trees. She practically spent most of her time there.

There was also a small garden right behind the main building. It wasn't a large area, but it was still quite impressive. The garden contained long, winding alleyways and tall trees. It offered shade, as well as a place to retreat from the suffocating heat.

That is where Ji-Won hid after the disastrous conversation he had with Ji-Su. Thinking back at his words, he felt remorse rising up in his throat. A disgusting feeling took hold on him, as if he had swallowed something rotten. Somewhere deep inside, he knew Ji-Su wasn't to blame for his parent's mistakes.

But even so, forgiving Ji-Su for his existence, for bringing his mother so much pain, was ultimately something Ji-Won couldn't do. He wasn't capable of making peace with the past, so therefore, he wasn't able to look towards the future with hope.

"I see you haven't changed at all. You still hide and brood all by your lonesome whenever you get upset." A deep voice suddenly spoke from behind him.

Startled, Ji-Won spun around. With a jolt of panic he saw his father stepping closer towards him.

They both had the same intense pitch-black eyes and dark hair. Even at his age, Mr. Kang still retained his handsome features, a trait he had clearly passed on to Ji-Won. However, his face was more lined, a sign of the many years of struggle and work. Running a big company like Kangji Tourism, while also pleasing the Board of Directors wasn't an easy task.

The two men remained still, staring at each other intensely. Mr. Kang was the first one to speak.

"Ji-Su told me you two disagreed. May I know the reason?"

There was no special inflection in Mr. Kang's voice. His eyes, however, wracked over his son's features, trying to see beyond what he was showing. After all, he knew Ji-Won and his ability to mask his emotions all too well.

"No." Ji-Won replied flatly, in the same neutral tone as his father's.

Mr. Kang sighed deeply.

"Having two sons is never easy I see."

"Then you have nothing to worry about. You only have one." Ji-Won said curtly.

"Ji-Won…" his father began, but was immediately cut off.

"I heard you wanted to speak to me. What is it about?" Ji-Won asked hastily.

He instinctively knew that his father wanted to probe further into the matter with Ji-Su. However, Ji-Won had no intention of indulging the old man in his wish to play the father and son game. He just wanted to get it over with quickly and leave that place. There was no need to drag the conversation longer than it was needed.

Mr. Kang regarded Ji-Won for a moment, then nodded. He immediately realized that his son had just decided to stick to the professional side of their relationship. Therefore, he would oblige.

Mr. Kang swiftly changed to a more formal demeanor. His tone also turned more business-like.

"How are things going in the Planning Department?"

"I am sure Chief Secretary Ahn is giving you a detailed report every day." Ji-Won retorted briskly. He already knew that his father had his spies.

"Yes, but I want to hear it from you as well." Mr. Kang insisted.

"We will begin drafting the proposals starting next week."

"You know you have to bring me satisfactory results in three weeks, otherwise…"

"Otherwise you sell my mother's Chinjeol Foundation." Ji-Won responded bitterly.

"There is no need to despair. Just show me results and the Foundation is yours, as promised. You were the one who said you are going to show me fresh plans. You also talked about creating better touristic packages with focus on the people's wants, needs and passions rather than numbers. Or are you feeling less confident now?" Mr. Kang inquired, arching an eyebrow. The thin line swiftly got lost behind his black hair.

Ji-Won regarded his father for a moment, before finally replying. His tone was still rather professional.

"When we first talked about it, I was under the impression there would be a better planning team."