Deep rooted friendship

It had to be said that Ji-Won was still feeling resentful towards his father. Right after Ji-Won had agreed to start working at Kanji Tourism, his father split the Planning Department in two teams. If it wasn't for the condition regarding the Foundation, Ji-Won never, not in a million years, would have chosen to work for his father.

But Mr. Kang was cunning. He had told his son he was going to sell the Chinjeol Foundation if he didn't come back to Seoul and work for Kangji Tourism.

At first, Ji-Won contemplated refusing his father's deal. But then, he thought about his mother. He remembered just how much she had loved that place. She had taken part in every charity event organized by the Foundation. She also went over and beyond finding sponsors, thus growing its influence among the most powerful charity foundations in the country. Letting it be chopped up in pieces and fed to the dogs was not something he could allow.

His father's deep voice brought Ji-Won back to reality.

"A good leader works with what he has. He also brings good results even when his team is not the best."

"Perhaps. But a leader is also allowed to bring in the people he needs. Isn't that right?" Ji-Won retorted, putting a special inflection in his tone.

He was hinting at the subversive manner in which his father had ruled over the company.

Chairman Kang was always careful to place his people in key positions, all the while seemingly agreeing with the Board of Directors and the rest of the Managers. No one ever suspected the cunningness behind his decisions. They all believed their Chairman was always upright and detached. If only they knew what an old fox he was.

But Ji-Won knew all too well. After all, he had firsthand experience with it when he was barely twelve-years old.

"You were given the right to choose a person, and I believe that person was Kim Seo-Jun." Mr. Kang said calmly.

"Only one. What about the rest? I had no say in who joins my team, while they were given the right to choose between Team 1 and Team 2. The result was that most of the people from the Planning Department shifted to Team 2 because they trusted the former Director. Not to mention the fact that I have two interns, while the other Team has full-time employees." Ji-Won said resentfully.

"This is where the natural talent of the leader kicks in, Ji-Won. Sometimes you have to 'make' the people your own. You have to earn their trust and know how to keep them by your side, by every means possible." Mr. Kang responded, his lips curving into a sly smile.

"Yes, like you have done within the company. I am sorry, but using leverage, threats and blackmail, those are things I cannot do."

As he spoke, Ji-Won's eyes narrowed. Soon, a slight crease formed between his eyebrows. Every feature on his face betrayed the intense repulsion he was feeling towards his father and his ways.

Mr. Kang, however, seemed unbothered. He looked quite calm as he crossed his hands behind his back, the cunning smile still lingering on his lips.

"Then go ahead and show me a better method, son. I will keep my eyes wide open to see what you come up with."

At his father's words, Ji-Won's frown deepened. A second later, he bowed and left the garden. All the way to the car he felt his chest burning with resentment.


That same Saturday night, Kim Seo-Jun was sitting at a classy bar, sipping his whiskey in a leisurely manner. Behind his apparent calmness, however, he was raging with fury. The only sign of his intense feelings was the way his fingers kept clutching around the glass. They were tightening and loosening in turns.

Earlier that evening he had met with his family and the encounter did not end too well. Despite his usual cheerful and positive attitude, Seo-Jun had a hard time growing up.

He was the youngest son of the departed President of a well-respected financial group. His mother was just one of the President's many mistresses. That made him an illegitimate child, with no claim to the family name or business. No one knew why, but right before he died, President Kim had a change of heart. He had given him the Kim name, declaring to everyone that he recognized Seo-Jun as his son.

But that came with certain conditions. Seo-Jun had to renounce his mother and live by the family's rules. After the President's death, the company went public. However, Seo-Jun's uncle still held the majority of shares. That made him a leading figure in the management of the group.

At his uncle's orders, Seo-Jun had been sent to the States to finish his schooling. Or at least that was the reason he had been given. The truth was quite different, though. The young boy was, in fact, hidden away like a shameful thing.

While he was away, his mother had been given a good share of money and kept away. The only thing Seo-Jun knew about her was that she had opened a restaurant in Jeju island.

If he thought being away from his country would make things easier, Seo-Jun had been gravely mistaken. The news traveled fast and everyone at his school soon knew all about him.

Thus, Seo-Jun had lived for almost five years, being shunned by the children his age because of his mother's identity. But at the same time, he was also feared by the adults because of his father's family background.

No one knew exactly how the current CEO Kim felt about his nephew, and, therefore, everyone threaded carefully around him. Only Seo-Jun knew about the loathing his family felt for him.

That was how Ji-Won met Seo-Jun when they were both studying in the States. The two young boys felt an instant connection and became good friends. Later, Seo-Jun found out about Ji-Won's troubled past and family issues, and felt glad to have something to relate to. They were both children who had to bear their fathers' sins and make the best of it.

Seo-Jun helped Ji-Won get accustomed to the new environment, which ultimately helped them in becoming inseparable best friends. This began during their first year of high school, and they continued to stay together all throughout college as well.

When Ji-Won was forced to come back to Seoul because of his father's condition, Seo-Jun decided to follow his friend. He also offered to work at Kangji Tourism, in hopes to make a life for himself, far away from the Kim family.

It hadn't been easy though.