The mind is honest while the mouth is not

By every possible standard, Ji-Won looked stunningly handsome. 

His hair was still slightly wet from the shower and was styled in an unruly manner. The black strands looked ruffled, falling over his forehead, but not enough to completely cover the skin. 

Ji-Won's attire was made of black pants and a midnight blue shirt. He wasn't wearing a tie and he even left the first button undone, revealing his pale skin.

At seven everyone was already gathered in the large room. Most of them were seated at their tables, while others mingled with each other, reminiscing about the events during the day. 

The Planning Department was complete, except for Director Kwon who remained in his room to rest. His old age was beginning to catch up with him and, after a day of running around, his body was sore.

During this entire time, Su-Jin stared at Ji-Won, completely transfixed. It took her a long while before she finally realized that someone was talking to her.